Can you tell when you've walked in to a catholic home

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Can you tell when you’ve walked into a catholic home.

I have a couple of catholic friends and when I go to their houses for a coffee looking around you can barely tell you’ve walked into a catholic home ( other than all the kids running around and of course the tell tale sign of a bible on the book shelf) it could be any normal family home.

I also have a couple of non catholic friends, who will come over to my house for a coffee ( my mother included)
Who I’m starting to wonder if they are uncomfortable in my living room and kitchen.
I have a picture of my Fiancees family church on the wall ( hanging from it is mr 5s rosary as he uses it every day and my partners rosary mr 5 put it there as a reminder for my partner to pray more) In the corner i have a shelf with my baptism candle. My rosary a gorgeous cross ( first communion gift) and a few other things I’ve been given recently as well as bibles etc. ( as well as a box of religious books under the shelf)
Above the window we have a crucifix. On the coffee table there is normally a couple of catholic newspapers the fridge which is the first thing you see in our home is usually covered in school newsletters ( catholic school) church newsletters and of course a bible quote.
Not to mention the prayer candle on the dining table

Is this too much do I need to move it.
I know that once advent finally comes around the advent wreath will be out and the nativity scene will be around the fire place ( and no longer on my shelf) and the things I’ve temporarily moved to make room for these will be back on the shelf. I will also of course have our Jesse tree up.

Funny thing is I watched something on YouTube about a home alter and I shook my head thinking oh my goodness why would you bother. Well it turns out I may have accidently made one by putting everything on a shelf. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
I geuss my question is is this normal. Has anyone else’s living rooms and kitchens become like this or does anyone feel there non catholic friends get uncomfortable in there home
It is normal. You wouldn’t have to guess if mine was a Catholic home. As for whether it makes people uncomfortable, that will vary based on the person.

I had some Hindu friends in high school. Visiting their homes and seeing all their shrines never made me uncomfortable. I liked seeing it and learning about their family’s faith customs.
I had an ex that was Hindu ( that thankfully gave me permission to baptize mr 5 catholic as that is what mr 5 wanted) it was great learning his customs and traditions and gave me a huge insight on his beliefs
Also, if you’re close with your mother, you could ask her.
I certainly do not think it is too much or that it would make anyone feel uncomfortable. I have been in Catholic homes where there literally is almost nothing besides religious figures, religious art, etc decorating the home. I always think, to each his own. I am somewhat in the middle. A couple of things, that are very tastefully done IMO, scream “catholic”, and then there are the cruxifixes above every bedroom door. But beyond that, I like more secular décor.
I certainly understand those homes which you describe as you can barely tell if you have walked into a Catholic home. I really do not have a problem with that either.
Brendea, I love all of it in your house. I have a fairly large crucifix in my living room. My daughter’s friend came in once and said to her, wow, you can tell your family is Catholic. I took it as a compliment. I also have a Our Lady of Grace statue in my kitchen that is about 2 feet tall. (Like the kind you used to see in the storefront Pub windows in Ireland. 🙂) I love it and don’t care what anyone else thinks.
My mother comes over to stay every second weekend. She stayed last weekend and left before we went to church ( it was the day of my 11 year olds and mine first holy communion and I was upset she wouldn’t just stay an hour longer and come to church for a special occasion) when my father met my mother he was a practising catholic he completly turned away from faith when they met ( until he went to see some nuns to teach him to read when I was 5 and then after that the only time he’s been in a church is a funeral) my mother also wouldn’t let me attend bible class at school ( had to ask dad to sign the peice of paper after mum said no I thought I was going to get in so much trouble for asking dad when mum said no ) mum has never been comfortable with the idea of church or religion ( so much so her and dad have been together 30+ years and are still not married not even civially)
Ask for one for Christmas. Perhaps mr 5 would like to get that for you. 😉
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Master 11 liked my shelf so much he emptied his book case and started making one himself
We have a chalk blessing above our door, but I imagine only other Catholics would notice it. Most of our devotionals are kept in private areas of the house. (AKA bedrooms) We do have a decorative cross in the dining room, but there’s no corpus on it. We have an Advent wreath and nativity right now, but that could be Protestant too.
I did think of keeping my stuff in my bedroom however we have a really small house ( I don’t even have a linen cupboard) and in my room I can either fit my shelf or my 1 set of draws ( which I have to share as we don’t have space for 2 sets of draws)
I’ve got statues, rosaries, icons, crucifixes and Catholic paintings all over the house, every room. There is a statue of Jesus in the front yard, a statue of Mary in the back yard, and an icon of Jesus and St. Michael hanging in my car. I don’t give a rat’s patootie if guests can’t handle it. That’s their problem.
Wow, when you walk into my house there is no question but that I’m Catholic, and I don’t care what people think about it … I’m proud to be Catholic.
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