Canada Lawmakers OK Gay Marriage Bill (AP)

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Wednesday June 29, 2005 2:31 AM

Associated Press Writer

TORONTO (AP) - Canada’s House of Commons voted Tuesday to legalize gay marriage, passing landmark legislation that would grant all same-sex couples in Canada the same legal rights as those in traditional unions between a man and a woman.

The bill passed as expected, despite opposition from Conservatives and religious leaders. The legislation drafted by Prime Minister Paul Martin’s minority Liberal Party government was also expected to easily pass the Senate and become federal law by the end of July.

The Netherlands and Belgium are the only other two nations that allow gay. . . .

Full article
Was there any doubt they would? Funny every Canadian I’ve met is salt of the earth, normal but their politics are about as wierd as it gets. I was with some of my Canadian friends this weekend and asked why such a country of nice people has such a bunch of loonies running the country. They said well like in America often the normal people aren’t involved in politics and are probably too complacent.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
why such a country of nice people has such a bunch of loonies running the country.
= Family Compact

never died. What your last name is and who you count as friends determines your position in life. Even now.
**Canada’s Liberal Government Passes Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Bill C-38

Becomes third nation in the world to legalize same-sex ‘marriage’

Ottawa, June 28, 2005 ( – At 9 p.m. June 28, Canada’s Liberal government passed, without significant amendment, third and final reading of its same-sex ‘marriage’ bill C-38 by a vote of 158 for to 133 against. Canada now joins Holland and Belgium as the only three countries in the world to have legalized this radical redefinition of the institution of marriage. The bill must still be passed by the Senate and then receive Royal Assent before being promulgated into Canadian law. The Liberal dominated Senate is expected to swiftly pass the law.

Only 32 Liberal Members of Parliament broke ranks with their party by voting against the bill which is opposed by a majority of Canadians and which received massive active opposition from the public. 5 Bloc MPs, one New Democratic Party Member and 2 independents also voted against the bill. Most Conservative party members voted against the bill. Three Conservatives voted for C-38.

Following is a list of those who voted against C-38 from other than the Conservative Party:

Liberal No Votes (32)
[Bonin, Ray]([%between%](
[Boshcoff, Ken](
Cannis, John
Carr, Gary
Chamberlain, Brenda Commuzzi, Joe
Cuzner, Rodger
Galloway, Roger Hubbard, Charles
Karygiannis, Jim Khan, Wajid
Lee, Derek Lastewka, Walt Longfield, Judi Malhi, Gurbax MacAuley, Lawrence
Maloney, John Matthews, Bill McKay, John McTeague, Dan Pachetti, Massimo
Savoy, Andy Scarpaleggia, Francis
Simard, Ray
Simms, Scott
Steckle, Paul Szabo, Paul Tonks, Alan
Ur, Rosemary Wappel, Tom
Wilfert, Bryon Zed, Paul

Bloc No Votes (5)

Bouchard, Robert Cardin, Serge Gaudet, Roger Perron, Gilles [email=“”]Thibault, Louise[/email]

NDP No Votes (1)

Desjarlais, Bev NDP

Independent No Votes (2)

O’Brien, Pat IND
Kilgour, David Ind
I think that we should give a hearty welcome and support to MP’s Pat O’Brien and Joe Comuzzi. Mr. O’Brien left the Liberal party because of this bill and Mr. Comuzzi left his seat in the cabinet to vote against it at the last minute. These two are some of the better politicians we have in parliament today.
Most Rev. Marcel Gervais,D.D.
Archbishop of Ottawa
1247 Kilborn Place
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 6K9
Phone: (613) 738-5025 Fax: (613) 738-0130

Most Rev. J.-A. Plourde,D.D.
Archbishop Emeritus of Ottawa
1243 Kilborn Place
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6K9
Phone: (613) 738-5025 Fax: (613) 738-0130
So this was against the public’s desires? What is going on up there? Ani what does "family compact’ mean?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
What is going on up there? Ani what does "family compact’ mean?Lisa N
Click on the letters. That will take you to a website giving a brief description.

Look what I found: Archbishop Marcel Gervais’s email address:

Father Alphonse de Valk, editor of Insight magazine, states in his forthcoming July editorial that bishops cannot remain silent about Catholic politicians who publicly favour replacing marriage between man and woman for a union between any two persons.

Gosh, I guess Archbishop Gervais is expecting some emails…

Whoops again!

Fr de Valk’s email address:

Canada’s last chance: Bishops are letting us down

By Fr. Alphonse de Valk, c.s.b.
Issue: July/August 2005

The bishops of Canada are letting the Catholic community and all of Canada down. The issue is the same-sex legislation, Bill C-38, now being pushed through by the Liberal (Martin-Cotler) government.

At the time of this writing, June 7, the media are telling us that the special legislative committee will produce its foregone conclusion approving the abolition of the traditional definition of marriage between husband and wife in favour of (any) two persons, by June 14-16. Third reading will follow immediately; the Bill will be sent forthwith to a compliant Liberal-dominated Senate for approval within one or two days, and then go to the Governor-General for her signature and enactment as the law of the country. That is the plan of Justice Minister Irwin Cotler and that is what the media expect to happen.

Member of Parliament Patrick O’Brien has resigned from the Liberal Party to sit as an Independent in protest against both the process and substance of this legislation, which will destroy the recognition and needed protection of the family and marriage. His was a courageous act. What we need now is more Catholic MPs to follow him in his determination to fight this bill which, as O’Brien points out, “far supersedes any personal or partisan political consideration.”

Pope Benedict is quoted in all the June 7th Toronto newspapers (Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Metro) under the headline: “Gay marriage fake: Pope.” He is also quoted on radio and TV. So it is not as if MPs have not heard what the Church has had to say. Moreover, Canada’s bishops from coast to coast have issued pastoral letters rejecting the legislation, and defending the traditional family as the building block of society.

What did the Pope say, exactly? The news items noted that Pope Benedict, “in his first pronouncement on gay marriages yesterday (June 6), condemned same-sex unions as fake and an expression of ‘anarchic freedom’ that threatens the future of the family.” Here is the text:

*“Today’s various forms of dissolution of marriage, free unions, **trial marriages, as well as the pseudo-matrimonies between people **of the same sex, are instead expressions of anarchic freedom, *which falsely tries to pass itself off as the true liberation of man.”

In other words, Canada’s Bill C-38 is fake; it is fraudulent. Those who promote this legislation indulge in moral fraud. Fraud is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “criminal deception.”

That brings us to the question of how Archbishop Marcel Gervais of Ottawa can describe the chief instigator of this fraud, Prime Minister Paul Martin, as “a faithful member of my Cathedral parish,” to whom he will not deny Holy Communion. Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary has long since said that he, in good conscience, cannot give Communion to Paul Martin and politicians like him ( See C.I., June 2005, pp. 41-42).

Here is a Catholic Prime Minister who publicly rejects Church teaching on abortion—which the Church insists is murder—and by this stand, keeps his party fully devoted to the “pro-choice” cause. Mr. Martin then extends his enthusiastic support to an all-out attack on the family by bullying politicians to possibly acting against their conscience, and ramming through a measure which two-thirds of Canadians oppose, which Pope John Paul II condemned on eight different occasions in the last two years of his life, and which the present Pope calls “an expression of anarchic and false freedom.” But his bishop declares him “a faithful member of my parish.” To continue doing so, is this not a slap in the face of every truly faithful Catholic in the country?

Meanwhile, many other bishops, including Cardinals, remain silent about the Catholic MPs in their dioceses who publicly scorn the Church by voting and speaking in favour of Bill C-38.

All this happens during the celebration of the Year of the Eucharist. If we Catholics truly emphasized the simplicity, purity, beauty and holiness of the Eucharist, we would know how to defend it against those Catholics who spurn the truths of faith.
This Fr de Volk rocks! When have we heard clergy speak so clearly about what lies heavy on our own hearts? Except for Fr Pavone who knew what we were feeling before we felt it. And continues to.

Read this excellent summary of the positions of the Canadian bishops:

And yes, Bishop Grecco (of Toronto) is named as having (in 2004) warned parish priests not to speak out against SSM because the Church might lose her charitable status. And yes, Fr Volk sums it up as a problem or as an opportunity. Canadian Catholics have two such.

One is the debate over whether Catholics who publicly reject important Catholic teaching should be denied access to the Sacraments, especially Holy Communion. 👋

The second, whether those who speak out publicly on behalf of the truth should be left to fight the battle alone. :bigyikes:
Homosexual Agenda
   ****O, Canada...****

****The impact of legalizing homosexual marriage****
Over the last several years, I have developed a friendship with a fellow Christian from Canada. His name is Chris Kempling.

Chris, a husband and father of two grown children, is a Guidance Counselor, overseeing several elementary schools in his province. In addition, Chris also has a clinical private practice, helping men and women to overcome their unwanted same-sex attraction.
One day, I was shocked to find a story about Chris in [World Net Daily]( He was now being vigorously persecuted not only for his Christian faith, but also his beliefs about homosexuality. Chris’ beliefs and convictions about homosexuality are rooted in his unwavering faith in Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures.
During his private time, he wrote several letters to the editors of several local Canadian newspapers, expressing his views on homosexuality, reparative therapy, homosexual marriage and more - as an official member of Canada’s Christian Heritage Party.

There are those within the “establishment” who are now out to financially destroy and ruin him, as they also have tried to do to many other Canadian citizens. These are all individuals who publicly expressed their strong, pro-family convictions regarding the God-ordained institution of heterosexual marriage – between one man and one woman.

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