Canada: League investigated under hate crimes legislation

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Canada: “Bill C-38 had its first reading as a document with three sections,” noted Mr. Horgan. “It now has 14, plus three amendments. This shows that MPs have already recognized that freedom of religion and expression, and the charitable status of religious groups, needed more protection than C-38 originally offered. Provincial legislatures need time to adapt before this change is made.”
For example, even though amendments have been made to Bill C-38 that would protect the expression of religious beliefs about marriage, many organizations involved with the marriage debate are not religions and hence may not be protected, especially at the provincial level. The concerns of the League have been brought into sharp focus as it is being investigated under hate crimes legislation because a complaint was laid based on its participation in a DefendMarriage brochure.

“The document does not contain a single word against homosexuals or even against homosexual conduct. It simply asserts the time-honoured belief that marriage is a divinely ordained institution dedicated primarily to the rearing of children. It also urges those who read it to inform their MPs if they agree with this position. If this is hate literature, then the educational and advocacy materials of all major religions could soon be subject to prosecution,” Mr. Horgan said in his presentation.

“Some would say this is an isolated case that is unlikely to succeed, but we think it should be seen in the context of similar cases, primarily in areas of provincial jurisdiction,” said Mr. Horgan, citing the experiences of Christopher Kempling, a BC teacher suspended without pay for writing letters to the editor critical of homosexual conduct; the Alberta Human Rights’ Tribunal challenge to Bishop Henry for pastoral letters he wrote in defense of traditional marriage; and the B.C. Human Rights’ Tribunal challenge to the Knights of Columbus in Port Coquitlam, BC for canceling a hall rental to a lesbian couple.

“Such challenges will undoubtedly become more numerous and more difficult to defend under Bill C-38. We have every reason to fear that the application of these issues going forward will create litigation, anxiety, cost and expense for religious and other organizations to defend those cherished freedoms of conscience and religion going forward.”

For entire statement, click here.
It is now completely clear now that Catholics in Canada have no right including defending themselves.

I wonder when Canada will try to come after Catholics in the US for hate crimes for criticizing Canada.

I wonder when Canada will try to come after Catholics in the US for hate crimes for criticizing Canada.
I wouldn’t worry too much about it. The last time we tried that (just before the Civil War) ya hanged us. Actually it wasn’t against Catholics in the US. Canada sent some people down to further the Underground Railroad. They got caught. Then the Civil War broke out.
It is now completely clear now that Catholics in Canada have no right including defending themselves.

**I wonder when Canada will try to come after Catholics in the US for hate crimes for criticizing Canada. **

I would not worry about that for some time yet…the powers that be have other fish to fry. Now that Same Sex Marriage went through they are off and running in another direction !!!

Euthanasia legislation passes first reading

There seems to be no end to the assault on life and family as the political elite of this country seem determined to destroy this nation.
As we were finishing the layout of the newsletter we got word of** Bill C-407**, “An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (right to die with dignity).” This legislation is not only about promoting euthanasia for the terminally ill. **This bill does not restrict euthanasia being committed by only medical practitioners. And this bill does not assure competence on the part of the person wanting euthanasia. **

The legislation exempts from criminal charges medical practitioners or anyone assisted by one, who purposely causes the death of a person who is suffering “physical or mental pain without any prospect of relief” or the terminally ill. While the private members bill – sponsored by Francine Lalonde (BQ, La Pointe-de-I’lle) – appears to provide “limits,” the experience in Belgium and the Netherlands, two countries with legal euthanasia**, has shown all such “safeguards” to be ineffective.The fact is that the only two limits (that the person requesting assisted suicide be at least 18 years of age and that the request be made twice, ten days apart by an individual while “appearing to be lucid”) in C-407 will not ameliorate the damage this bill will cause, namely the erosion of all protection for vulnerable people whom a compassionate society is supposed to care for and protect**. Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, says that with this legislation Canada will get to the same place in a day that the Netherlands took 20 years of sliding down the slippery slope to arrive at**.** He said people with disabilities and those who suffer chronic pain deserve to have their physical and psychological pain treated – not death. Debate on second reading is scheduled on or after June 29 if the House is still sitting.

Action Item: Contact your MP and urge them to vote against C-407. Send a letter, postage free, to the House of Commons, Ottawa, K1A 0A6 or find the email address on the parliamentary website at If you need help contacting your MP call us at (416) 204-9749 or 1-800-730-5358.
Catherine S. said:
Euthanasia legislation passes first reading

I’m stunned that this passed first reading. The first time I heard about, I was reassured that it was a private members bill from the Bloq Quebecois and that it would not survive first reading. Now here we are.:mad:
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