Canada's Cooperative Housing operates in extraterritoriality

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Toronto Man to be Evicted from Apartment for Displaying Sign in Favour of Traditional Marriage

TORONTO, July 19, 2005 ( - “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” The famous line from George Orwell’s Animal Farm, a satire on a Marxist revolution and the lies and distortions required to achieve and maintain it, is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges to a small elite. In Canada, Christians upholding the meaning of sexuality and marriage have found that Orwell’s axiom is as relevant as ever and equality is often a one-way street.

In one small but very telling case, the axiom can be observed directly in the case of a man living in the notorious “Boys’ Town” neighbourhood of Toronto, an area dominated by seedy homosexual clubs and bathhouses. Lee Konik, who is opposed to legitimizing homosexual “marriage”, is being threatened with eviction from his apartment in Church street for publicly displaying his opinion that marriage is a union of one man and one woman.

In an article appearing in a Toronto weekly, the Catholic Register, reporter Dominic Nicassio wrote that Konik, after attending a Defend Marriage rally, took home a sign that read, “Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman,” and put it in his window where it remained through the annual Pride Week activities. On June 28 Konik was served a notice that informed him that his display of an opinion which differs from that which prevails in Church street and in Canada’s Parliament, had cost him the home in which he had lived for 25 years. The notice specified that he was to be evicted for having displayed a “controversial (sic) worded banner.”

Konik’s situation came to the attention of the Catholic Register when he wrote a letter to the editor asking, “Don’t we have a right to express our feelings and convictions? We live in a society that has freedom of expression and democracy, and we believe that all people are created equal. I am a person, one of the people of Canada.”

Mr. Konik, a parishioner at St. Paul’s Basilica, had previously displayed a sign that read, “Gay Shame” which resulted in his being forced to sign an agreement that he would not put up signs “that may be perceived as being directly or indirectly derogatory toward others, either during Gay Pride period or at other times.” The property manager Philip Eram, when asked if such an agreement violated Mr. Konik’s constitutional rights to freedom of expression, replied, “That would be up to a judge to decide.”

In the repeated experience with Canadian courts, however, Christians opposed to the homosexual political juggernaut, have discovered that while all Canadians may be equal, the politically correct supporters of the new sexual morality, are more equal than others.

“It’s not so much he has no rights, it’s the other way around. It sounds like someone who chose to ignore the rights of others, and the rights of the co-op,” Eram said. Mr. Eram, President of Toronto-based Precision Property Management Inc. however, declined to explain how the expression of a differing opinion could be a violation of anyone’s rights.

To express concerns to Philip Eram:

Read the Register coverage:

(with files from the Catholic Register)

Basically my comment is that housing coops can do whatever they want. The Cooperative Corporations Act is inadequate for regulating this private corporations. This is not the only example of hate crime perpetrated by the boards of directors against its members.
Philip Eram, President,
Precision Property Management Inc.
Toronto, ON

Dear Mr. Eram:

I read the case of Lee Konik who has received an eviction order. It is a clear case of discrimination against a Catholic man for expressing his opinion with a sign: marriage = 1 man + 1 woman. It is nothing more than a clever diagram that the laws of nature and God can no more be redefined with impunity then can the laws of mathematics. While one may convince himself 2+2=7 that does not alter the reality that 2+2=4 anymore than redefining the definition of marriage will change the immutable sociological, historical, anthropological and ontological reality that marriage is and can only be between one man and one woman.

While you may not understand this logic it is still logic and not an expression of hatred or homophobia. It is not even controversial.Thinking something is true does not make it true. Simply because a small segment of the population has decided that everyone must now walk on their heads to accomodate the lifestyles of a few who wish to narrow their personhood within the boundaries of a very small definition does not mean everyone else is to obligated to walk on their heads too. (Moreover, it is degrading for anyone to define himself solely by his sexual orientation.)

People suffering from same-sex attraction have a duty to tolerate and respect the opinions and conscience of fellow citizens without resorting to vindicative punitive action everytime they feel contraried and vexed with someone who is not following the Pied Piper and walking on his head too. Otherwise, our society will be diminished to a state of interminable harassment, intimidation and persecution by self-appointed thought police.

Drop your case against Lee Konik and allow him to live in peace enjoying the equality rights guaranteed to all Canadians.
soon in Canada, there have to be “heterosexual pride” marches
soon in Canada, there have to be “heterosexual pride” marches
im pretty sure that would be declaired inciting hate, and a crime. perhaps one day it will illegal to declare you are heterosexual, it will be intimidation to do so.
why are gays screaming loudly about “homophobia” while themselves are undeniable heterophobias.

if every measure failed, we still just had to protect our children from falling into that pitch and that’s it, homosexuals can’t procreate
Grapevine: a Calgary newspaper is working on an article on Konik’s situation.
In the US, this would be an open and shut case. Freedom of speech protects us from government restrictions on that speech. However, except as limited by local rental law, a person is free to enter into a rental contract stating that the contract can be terminated by the other party for any reason. Not sure how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms compares to the US Constitution on this.
In the US, this would be an open and shut case. Freedom of speech protects us from government restrictions on that speech. However, except as limited by local rental law, a person is free to enter into a rental contract stating that the contract can be terminated by the other party for any reason. Not sure how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms compares to the US Constitution on this.
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

**1. **The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion; b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and d) freedom of association.
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