Canadian Religious Leaders Coalition Calls for Restoration of Traditional Marriage

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I hope the Canadian government listens to these leaders.
But will probably be arrested for “hate speech” 😦
A friend of mine who’s a pro-life activist up there said, that in one town she was protesting in, the mayor tried to have them thrown out. For protesting against abortion! You think it’s bad here in America, it’s ten times worse in Canada.
A friend of mine who’s a pro-life activist up there said, that in one town she was protesting in, the mayor tried to have them thrown out. For protesting against abortion! You think it’s bad here in America, it’s ten times worse in Canada.
What a shame that people’s freedom to dissent is restricted by the majority opinion or the government’s policy.
What a shame that people’s freedom to dissent is restricted by the majority opinion or the government’s policy.
Yeah, I was talking to a friend of mine from Peru, she said that America was Sodom and Gomorrah. I wasn’t surprised by this, she said that because of America’s influences in pop culture, Hollywood and all that, that many people in her nation do not go to church! She was really sad too.
Yeah, I was talking to a friend of mine from Peru, she said that America was Sodom and Gomorrah. I wasn’t surprised by this, she said that because of America’s influences in pop culture, Hollywood and all that, that many people in her nation do not go to church! She was really sad too.
I think the reasons she gave you are the same ones I hear touted by the Muslim terrorists. It is so easy to blame someone else, isn’t it. Please don’t misunderstand, I agree with everything she said, but if pop culture this far away is such an influence, I think they might be ripe for influence.
I think the reasons she gave you are the same ones I hear touted by the Muslim terrorists. It is so easy to blame someone else, isn’t it. Please don’t misunderstand, I agree with everything she said, but if pop culture this far away is such an influence, I think they might be ripe for influence.
Interesting. I find it funny that our nation condemns terrorism, when the U.S. sponsors terrorists like the pornagraphy and abortion industries. My Canadian friend told me that her family up there might have to go into hiding eventually.
My Canadian friend told me that her family up there might have to go into hiding eventually.
LOL. I have no idea what what Canada your friend lives in…

But in my Canada, for example, Bill Clinton just came to be a guest speaker at a Catholic function in Waterloo, Ontario (where I live) and there were avid protesters outside protesting his presence in a Catholic institution and waving blatant anti-abortion and pro-life signs. The Catholic highschool that I attended several years ago sponsored a pro-life “March for Life” every year and my religion teacher was heavily involved in the “Right to Life” movement in my hometown.

…not sure what your friend is going to hide from.
The best part of the article for me was that several different faiths, including muslims, worked together for a common, good and beneficial goal.

There might be hope in Canada yet!
LOL. I have no idea what what Canada your friend lives in…

But in my Canada, for example, Bill Clinton just came to be a guest speaker at a Catholic function in Waterloo, Ontario (where I live) and there were avid protesters outside protesting his presence in a Catholic institution and waving blatant anti-abortion and pro-life signs. The Catholic highschool that I attended several years ago sponsored a pro-life “March for Life” every year and my religion teacher was heavily involved in the “Right to Life” movement in my hometown.

…not sure what your friend is going to hide from.
A system called onstar maybe? Well, it’s a system in cars that tells you were everyone lives, like an electronic map. That freaks me out. But that’s just my 2 cents. Have you considered that it may be in the future illegal to speak out against abortion? Have you considered that governments will use people like slaves to achieve their inhuman goals? She even told me that things were ten times worse in Canada then they are here in the U.S.A. And she’s a youth! Our youth are not blind gnosis, they realize what’s going on, and some of them are beginning to catch on. I hope that you are well aware of the fact that Canada is heading towards a dictatorship.
Again…I don’t know what Canada you are talking about. I am 19 years old, and I’ve lived in Canada all my life.

I don’t know where Onstar comes in…its not like the government forces people to have it, its available for people who want to pay for it so they can track their car if it gets stolen, so they can get directions if they get lost or get quick assistance if the car breaks down. As far as I know, Onstar or GPS exists throughout the world.

Your friend sounds really paranoid. Canada is not turning into a dictatorship and you’ve shown no evidence to support that. In Canada, freedom of expression is balanced by the rights of others. In that case, you can’t publish material calling for a holocaust of homosexuals or advocate that they be stoned to death. You can, however, publically oppose gay marriage and express your moral positions on the issue.

We have a CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS entrenched in our constiution. Here’s a part of it. You can look up the whole thing if you want to examine demoncratic rights ect.
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion; 
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; 
c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and 
d) freedom of association.
Again…I don’t know what Canada you are talking about. I am 19 years old, and I’ve lived in Canada all my life.

I don’t know where Onstar comes in…its not like the government forces people to have it, its available for people who want to pay for it so they can track their car if it gets stolen, so they can get directions if they get lost or get quick assistance if the car breaks down. As far as I know, Onstar or GPS exists throughout the world.

Your friend sounds really paranoid. Canada is not turning into a dictatorship and you’ve shown no evidence to support that. In Canada, freedom of expression is balanced by the rights of others. In that case, you can’t publish material calling for a holocaust of homosexuals or advocate that they be stoned to death. You can, however, publically oppose gay marriage and express your moral positions on the issue.

We have a CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS entrenched in our constiution. Here’s a part of it. You can look up the whole thing if you want to examine demoncratic rights ect.
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion; 
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; 
c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and 
d) freedom of association.
Have you ever considered that the unborn don’t have the same rights as we do? How about Militant homosexual groups behaving like hooligans, like the Nazi’s of the 1920’s and 1930’s, at the residence of Archbishop Adam Exner’s residence in Vancouver. Oh here’s another one, how do you explain how a printing company was taken to the Ontario Human Rights Commission and fined $5,000, incurred $40,0000 in legal costs and “in the name of justice” was forced to print the material or close their business for refusing to print gay material. You call that freedom of speech come on! You’re kidding yourself if you think we have “freedom of speech” but yet gays are not arrested for protesting on Church property my friend. I wonder if it’s ever occured to you that the level of aggression on the part of militant homosexuals against their critics is indicative of their long-range aims, for it would seem that they have already achieved what they wanted, and then some.
Gnosis, I think that’s pretty low class, unchristian and especially uncharitable to call my friend “paranoid”. You don’t even know what paranoid is. Why do you always have to insult everybody?
But will probably be arrested for “hate speech” 😦
That happens in Canada? I thought they had freedom of speech there. 😦
Hate speech is covered under the Hate Propaganda Act which is part of the Criminal Code. Arrests are made only when there is clear evidence that the hate speakers are advocating violence and are demonstrating concrete plans and preparation toward perpetrating that violence.

Law suits or challenges under the various human rights codes or under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms may be initiated, but that is not to say that they will be successful.

Basically this is a war being fought in the media for the minds and hearts of citizens who don’t know what is going on, don’t want to know what is going on, and are easily accommodated by agenda-driven journalists.
I hope that you are well aware of the fact that Canada is heading towards a dictatorship.
As far as prolife goes, Canada has a long way to catch up with the incremental advances made by enterprising American Christians. And thank you for the good example.

As for heading toward a dictatorship: how so?

The only bid for dictatorship that I see is happening in both Canada and the US – and that is the bid by big media. But we have the blogosphere, don’t we? And those of my fellow citizens who attempt to coerce me using the CBC or the Toronto Star meet with a sound but subtle scolding from me concerning internet illiteracy.

I think it is wise to remember that Canada and the US are essentially friends – certainly in comparison to other countries in the world. We are each other’s largest trading partners. And we bailed you out of an iminent economic crash after Katrina by providing you with emergency oil.

So let us try not to get carried away with emotional responses to disappointments. Pro-life is a long large war. Let us not get demoralized by small battles along the way. As Christians and as community leaders we do not have the luxury of demoralization.

In December there will be a hotly contested Liberal leadership convention which will then lead into a federal election in March. Currently Stephen Harpher’s Conservative Party is in government. I recommend that you follow closely both the leadership convention and the election – and then comment. OK?
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