Canadian University Set to Prohibit Club Status For Any Group Opposed to Abortion

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There is an online poll today. Should Carlton University’s students association restrict rights of pro-life groups? Please vote.

Story on LifeSiteNews.
  • …the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) council meeting would** prohibit any group opposed to abortion from attaining club status at the University**…
    On November 21, Katy McIntyre Vice President of CUSA Student Services, proposed a “Motion to Amend Discrimination on Campus Policy” which would bar from club status all groups opposed to abortion…
    The summary of the motion argues that pro-life groups are “anti-choice”, and “seek to remove choice by making abortion illegal and it would be impossible to make abortion illegal without violating the Canadian Constitution, by removing a woman’s right to life, liberty, and security of the person”.
    It also states that pro-life groups “compromise the personal safety and threaten the self esteem of women who may contemplate abortion or have chosen to have an abortion”.
    The motion is to be voted on, on December 5th, at 6:30pm at the next CUSA Council Meeting
This is ridiculous. Why should they lose club status because they oppose something “enshrined” in the constiution!?

I hope this university does not make this grave error. People have a right to express their moral beliefs so long as they do so in a civilized manner. If the group was out picketing a woman’s home who just had an abortion or harassing people…then I would understand.
There is an online poll today. Kindly take a few moments to vote. The question is, [sign]“Do you support CUSA’s motion to deny funding and space for anti-choicer purposes?” [/sign]
An editorial from the Ottawa Citizen Thursday, Nov. 30:
The Carleton University Students Association is funded by a fee collected from every undergraduate.
It seems logical to assume then that the support this body dispenses should be available to all students, or at least that is what one hopes.
People from many different backgrounds come to study at a large university such as Carleton. They bring with them different views. This is good for the university and for the wider world these young people will someday engage.
The essence of university life should be to encourage a vigorous and fair debate of ideas and issues, especially controversial ones, no matter that some views might conflict with what is considered “acceptable” to a certain group that is in a position of authority.
This openness, so central to academic development, is imperilled by the current debate over whether CUSA should attempt to shut out one side of the abortion debate.
CUSA has proposed a motion, to be voted on next week, that would see a ban on support for any activity on campus that has “anti-choice purposes.” The association would also assert that the association would "respect and affirm a woman’s right to choose.
Ottawa is the capital of Canada if anyone is wondering. :confused:
Thank you master catholic for the good news about the poll result. I just looked:

1140 voters were against the motion
103 voters supported it

Nonetheless, the students association at Carlton last night passed the Motion to prohibit what it calls “anti-choice” groups from obtaining club status–that is, they would not receive any funding, space, resources, etc. from CUSA.

More of Pope Benedict’s tyranny of moral relativism. All this has come about because of a debate recently at the university and both sides were represented.

I guess the Planned Parenthood representative in the debate is a sore loser and the truth was just too damaging.:banghead: It hurts to bang one’s head against truth.
Thank you master catholic for the good news about the poll result. I just looked:

1140 voters were against the motion
103 voters supported it

Nonetheless, the students association at Carlton last night passed the Motion to prohibit what it calls “anti-choice” groups from obtaining club status–that is, they would not receive any funding, space, resources, etc. from CUSA.

More of Pope Benedict’s tyranny of moral relativism. All this has come about because of a debate recently at the university and both sides were represented.

I guess the Planned Parenthood representative in the debate is a sore loser and the truth was just too damaging.:banghead: It hurts to bang one’s head against truth.
Ok, so the pro-life movement there now doesn’t have any funding, space, resources, etc from the college, but they still can show up unofficially anyway. They can still get resources from other students who symphasize with them for being unfairly edged out.

The pro-lifers can also use this event to describe how the pro-choice people, who’s positions aren’t based on facts because none support them, rely on oppresion and unfair tactics to get their view across and not reason. They know they’ll lose if they play by the rules, so they have to cheat to survive from the power of truth!

This move shows their cowardness! The pro-life movement there have a unique opportunity to suffer persecution, for they shall receive their reward, as Jesus said: “Blessed are those who suffer for the cause of right!”
Followup news story:
**University says it is “Not Bound by” Student Union Decision and will Allocate Space to Pro-Life Students
***However pro-life students must so far fund student union which has actively discriminated against themBy John-Henry Westen
  • OTTAWA, December 6, 2006 ( - Carleton University in Ottawa has reacted to the vote by its student union banning pro-life students from having their group recognized as an official club on campus. University Director of Communications Doug Wotherspoon told that in terms of space allocation CUSA’s decision would not amount to much. But pro-life students, at least currently, must fund the student union which has actively discriminated against them.
There is an online poll today. Should Carlton University’s students association restrict rights of pro-life groups? Please vote.

Story on LifeSiteNews.
So just curious, I’m not sure what the layout of Carleton is, but is there a club that walks people to their car at night. Becuase I would think that the group is prolife in the sense that they are acting to preserve life and are not pro-choice in the sense that they are against the choice of sicko fiends to lurk around and prey on other people… ok, i know it is an absurd comparison, but the motion put forward was absurd too.

Do you know if it is constitionally challengeable if not through the courts then by the University’s constitution?
Wow that’s just sad. It is remarkably disgusting just how far the left will go to silence the right.
Canadian Physicians for Life has been keeping me posted with newsletters. This issue has generated a lot of media response. If Planned Parenthood wanted to silence debate it has certainly backfired. Unfortunately, unless one has a subscription to many of these online newspapers it isn’t possible to follow everything via the Internet. I did find this response however from Andrea Mrozek who is manager of research and communications at the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada. It appeared Dec. 7 in the Ottawa Citizen.
There’s no battle between feminists and freedom. Being pro-life is a distinctly pro-woman stand; it is only for a lack of freedom of speech in Canada today that the debate is rarely framed this way.

The abortion debate is only partly a question of rights. It is, more often, a question of life. With each repetition of “my body, my choice,” women’s rights to complete information, to intellectual integrity, to the scientific roots of life, furthermore to her own physical and mental health, are denied.

Without consideration for the status of the unborn fetus, there simply is no abortion debate. If the fetus is not a person, who cares? But if it is, then the Constitution applies, we are faced with competing rights and there are a number of other considerations that are admissible, one of which is the fetus’s right to life, liberty and security of the person. But how many of us frame the debate this way? …,%20Ottawa%20Citizen,%20December%207,%202006%20-%20Pro-life%20doesn’t%20mean%20anti-woman.pdf
The story that will not die:
Carleton Students’ Association May Face Lawsuit Over Ban on Pro-Life GroupsBy Gudrun Schultz
OTTAWA, Canada, December 7, 2006 ( - The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada is considering legal action against the Carleton University Students’ Association after CUSA voted to deny funding and services to any campus group opposed to abortion.
The EFC said CUSA’s ban would be a violation of pro-life students’ right to freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and peaceful assembly, as protected under the Constitution, the Ottawa Citizen reported yesterday.
[sign]Would you vote in favour of or against a referendum question to make CUSA fees refundable?[/sign]
Shawn Menard, president of the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA), recently declared in an interview with the Ottawa Citizen that CUSA is “not a student government”** but a political organization**.
[sign]Would you vote in favour of or against a referendum question to make CUSA fees refundable?[/sign]
Shawn Menard, president of the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA), recently declared in an interview with the Ottawa Citizen that CUSA is “not a student government”** but a political organization**.
Sounds like he has already been recruited by the Liberals (or maybe even the NDP)?
Can he be impeached? What mechanism does your university have to get him out of there? Is apathy a problem there?
And then we’ll be arrested for speaking out against abortion or something worse. One can easily predict the future with catastrophie’s like this.
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