Even though there’s one conference of bishops, one set of adaptations of the General Instructions, etc, there are really two Churches in Canada, a Francophone one, largely made up of cradle Catholics, and an Anglophone one. Both have a significant (name removed by moderator)ut of immigrants.
But there are subtle differences. The Quebec Church, in a backlash to its Jansenist past where even in the '50s you could be refused absolution for practicing NFP, has become distinctly liberal. There are cultural differences too, some subtle, some not so much. I’ve never heard an announcement barring non-Catholics from communion in a Quebec church for example. The first time I ever attended Mass outside of French Canada, there was such an announcement. We (Francophones) tend to be more Latin in our approach to the Law, and not so rigorous its application, especially since the Council broke the chains of Jansenism. Perhaps things have swung too far, but the backlash is perfectly understandable given the clerical excesses of the pre-Conciliar era.
Another difference, is that the calendar of saints is different for French Canada, for optional memorials. And yes the calendar differs from the US.