cancer demon

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I was not sure where to place this thread.

It looks like my prostrate cancer may be back. My last PSA blood test was borderline ( 0.1 ). I had prostrate surgery last december 2004, and had a bunch of surgeries this year.

I keep encountering people who claim that I have a “cancer demon” or that I am under a generational curse.

How would you respond to such a person?
People never cease to amaze me. . .

My advice? If somebody says this to you, smile and say, “thank you for your concern. Please pray for me that God’s will be done.” Smile and walk away.

I wish you the best. Not knowing your medical history I don’t know what treatment you have had in the past, but there is a lot available today, and I hope that things will work out well for you. You’re in my prayers.
Daniel Marsh:
I was not sure where to place this thread.

It looks like my prostrate cancer may be back. My last PSA blood test was borderline ( 0.1 ). I had prostrate surgery last december 2004, and had a bunch of surgeries this year.

I keep encountering people who claim that I have a “cancer demon” or that I am under a generational curse.

How would you respond to such a person?

I’d tell them not to be so silly.​

This “generational curse” thing is profoundly unChristian, in my view, because it re-fills the world with the powers from which the victory of Christ delivers us. It’s this kind of view of the universe - that it is hostile (& not redeemed) that strengthens and feeds the kind of cosmological pessimism that was part of the Gnostic outlook. If the world is not redeemed, the true Redeemer will be ignored, and people will follow after fads and lies instead; or they will despair and live for the moment while they can. Which is completely self-destructive.

The OT is often quoted: not the New - the g.c. idea is much easier to support from the OT, because the passages supporting quoted (Exodus 20, for example) come from a time when the solidarity of the family was taken for granted: the sin of one, brought punishment on all (see Joshua 6 & for the example of Achan). Ezekiel 18 protests against it - it ceases to be valid.

There are consequences for our deeds, but this not a curse: this is simply the natural order, working as it should, from cause to effect. Not a vengeful or sadistic God, plonking all manner of horrors on us for the hell of it. How could such a God as that be called “Our Father” ? Yet that is what Jesus taught His disciples to call Him: God is our loving Father - not our tormentor.

The idea was described to me as “Mormonish” - I think that is rather appropriate. 🙂 ##
Daniel Marsh:
I was not sure where to place this thread.

It looks like my prostrate cancer may be back. My last PSA blood test was borderline ( 0.1 ). I had prostrate surgery last december 2004, and had a bunch of surgeries this year.

I keep encountering people who claim that I have a “cancer demon” or that I am under a generational curse.

How would you respond to such a person?
I’d ask them how they know, or if they can’t answer that, then how in God’s green earth is that information supposed to do you any good, unless the person also knows how to drive out such a demon.

Basically, call their bluff. Either put up or they will know they are exposed. 👍

I’d ask them how they know, or if they can’t answer that, then how in God’s green earth is that information supposed to do you any good, unless the person also knows how to drive out such a demon.

Basically, call their bluff. Either put up or they will know they are exposed. 👍

The problem is, in my experience, that these people often do think they can drive out demons.

I’m inclined to agree with Gottle of Geer on this. The idea of a generational curse somehow trumping God’s salvific grace is ridiculous. If your ancestor committed terrible sins, there is no reason to suspect that the supernatural consequences would be visited on you, since Christians are no longer slaves to the law of sin. The reality of the new covenant is important, and people who believe in generational curses have a tendency to ignore it when discussing that issue.

You are also not possessed, which should be obvious, so you don’t need an exorcism. If Satanic forces are somehow causing your cancer (which is not the same as possession), then it is by God’s permission, which is the same as saying that God has allowed you to develop cancer. We don’t need to introduce a demon for explanation here, but I can’t say one isn’t involved. Either way, a prayer for healing is a prayer for healing. Either God says, “Yes,” and heals you (or bars the demon from you) or he doesn’t, for His own reasons. We don’t command reality, and no amount of claiming the existence of generational curses or cancer demons will allow us to.

To depart from any talk of curses and demons, I want you to know that I will pray for you. If someone tells you that you have a demon or a curse, encourage them to pray for you as well. If they press the issue, make your disagreement clear. I hope the arguments offered by us here will help. Is that what you were asking for?
Does this help? Luke 13:1-5

1 There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. **2 **And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? **3 **No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. **4 **Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? **5 **No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

Jesus is saying that it’s not the result of these people’s sin that bad things are happening to them.

John 9:1-3

**1 **As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. **2 **And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” **3 **Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him

I hope you get the idea. Use these bible passages in defence of yourself.

May God bless you, I hope you get well soon.
I’d ask them how they know, or if they can’t answer that, then how in God’s green earth is that information supposed to do you any good, unless the person also knows how to drive out such a demon.

Basically, call their bluff. Either put up or they will know they are exposed. 👍


How can anyone believe that demons cause cancer 😦 ?​

So far there has been:
  • rejection of evolution
  • rejection of geocentrism
  • what next: rejection of medical science ? A demon for nail-biting? For sneezing ? Why not ?
What with those who want the Law of Moses to be enacted into law, the world of Fahrenheit 451 does not seem so very improbable.

The mind boggles :whacky: ##
Daniel Marsh:
How would you respond to such a person?
Whenever people told me I had the “demon of depression” I felt like manifesting the “demon of thumping people”. But restrained myself.

Other answers here are more useful than mine.

Anyway, a prayer has been said here for you and for them.
Cancer survivors have so much to deal with that it gets to the point that you do entertain the notion of thumping the insensitive louts. I was usually restrained (emphasis on ‘strained’) from shouting at people like this by reminding myself that I had enough to do to fight off the disease; I didn’t need to enlighten every single well meaning moron who had no idea that their “concern” was no help whatsoever to my well being.

I had to pray for them. That helped.
I pray that you are restored to good health soon.

For the off the wall remarks I think I would look them right in the eye and say, “Why would you say such a thing?” And then continue to stare at them. It gets 'em every time.

I am very sorry to hear the news about your cancer and will say a prayer for you.

As to the Looney Toon people, maybe say “Well, pray for me” and leave it at that.

It is my opinion that Christians who believe in such things as a “cancer demon” or a “generational curse” or typically immature Christians. By immature I don’t mean that they are new to the faith, just that in this issue they haven’t matured yet.

I have talked to some Christians who honestly believe that if they have enough faith then God will protect them from all harm. Yet, life often intrudes on such belief. In time most of us will either know very good Christians who have horrible things happen to them or we, ourselves, will suffer loss or pain in our own life. We come to terms with the fact that we live in a fallen world and that bad things happen to us no matter how strong our faith.

Yet, there are some who refuse to believe that their faith won’t protect them from ill. They invent things such as a “cancer demon” or a “generational curse” to explain away suffering.

I often worry that if I convince such people that there is no such thing as a generational curse, for example, that their faith will be shaken. So, I generally do not debate them. I wouldn’t want to be the cause of another Christian falling.

Please remember that you are in our prayers.
Gottle of Geer said:
## How can anyone believe that demons cause cancer 😦 ?

So far there has been:
  • rejection of evolution
  • rejection of geocentrism
  • what next: rejection of medical science ? A demon for nail-biting? For sneezing ? Why not ?
What with those who want the Law of Moses to be enacted into law, the world of Fahrenheit 451 does not seem so very improbable.

The mind boggles :whacky: ##

amen. mind boggling seems to be the going fad…

Sometimes I’m not sure where I am in the shuffle! 😛

C’mon everyone! “Cancer demons” aren’t that unrealistic are they? 😉

Just relax, take a deap breath, and call the closest medically trained exorcist! 😃

As for the people who suggest (suggest seriously that is… I have relatives that would tease me quite innocently about having a “demon” if I was in your situation :rolleyes: ) that you have a demon in you causing your cancer… just let them believe what they will. When they get one of the other types of cancer (these days the chances are, eh?), you can return the favour by offering them prayers for the relief of their “curse”.

I hope you are cured of your disease. Perhaps, by the mercy of God, your exorci… sorry :o , I meant physician, will be a good one. Perhaps it may go into an unexplained remission due to the prayers of the people on this thread.

God bless,
I’ll be praying for you,

Gosh - I am sorry that you are in this trial - but it is not a curse. It is a trial.

I will pray for healing and strength.
My grandfather just died last Thursday of cancer. He was the greatest man I ever knew.

If anyone had tried to tell me he had a demon, I would’ve beat the snot out of them.

You don’t mess with me and my grandpa.

They seem to be overlooking all of the saints who died of cancer or some other horrible illness! Count my prayers in with all the others!
thanks all

when dealing with them, I do point out that Eze 18 rules out generational curses.

for suffering I point to II Peter chapter one, and II Cor 12:9 “my grace is sufficent, God’s power is made known through our weakness”

for “cancer demon” I simply ask them to explain greater is he that is withiin then he that is in the world, that no one can take you out of Jesus hand, ask them about Job, and ask if one does not have enough faith to be healed do they have enough faith for salvation?

they usually degenerate into anti-intellectualism real quick. and, I point out that God says “come let us reason together”, that we are to love God with all our spirit, body and mind. explain the difference between “carnal, worldy wisdom” and “godily wisdom” and point them to proverbs.

basically, I wonder if they are really saved because of Matthew 7:22-24.

I’ll start the whole discussion with II Peter 1
3His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.
10Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, 11and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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