So Easter Virgil is right around the corner and it’s time for me to face it I have to go to confession. My fiancee has it so easy, he get’s baptize and he is good to go lol. So what I’m asking for is any advice from other Candidates on your first confession. My sponsor had a hard time explaining it to me cause she never really had a first confession like mine. I want to totally be open but then i’m scare to tell to much. Then i have faults from the past which i no longer do, i don’t even think the way my old self did, do i ask forgiveness for that as well, how far back should i go? Should i meet with the priest privately face to face, go to appt time confession or to a larger Penance services? I’m reading and praying about this. I’m looking forward to it don’t get me wrong, everyone has told me about the beauty of it. That i will feel so much better afterward. But any advice to calm my nerves would help.
Thank you, thank you
Thank you, thank you