S Spyridon Guest Oct 7, 2018 #1 What does everyone think about Blessed Pope Paul VI being canonized in the very near future?
H HeDa Guest Oct 7, 2018 #4 Maybe time to read Humanae vitae (Of Human Life) as it is 50 years since he wrote the encyclical letter? http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-v...ments/hf_p-vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae.html
Maybe time to read Humanae vitae (Of Human Life) as it is 50 years since he wrote the encyclical letter? http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-v...ments/hf_p-vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae.html
M mrsdizzyd Guest Oct 7, 2018 #6 If the church says he’s a saint, he’s a saint. I don’t really think anything about it. Side note: Good to see you. I’ve been thinking about and praying for you. Last edited: Oct 7, 2018
If the church says he’s a saint, he’s a saint. I don’t really think anything about it. Side note: Good to see you. I’ve been thinking about and praying for you.
S semper_catholicus Guest Oct 7, 2018 #7 Seems pretty cool. I heard somewhere that the second miracle used towards his case for canonization was kind of questionable though.
Seems pretty cool. I heard somewhere that the second miracle used towards his case for canonization was kind of questionable though.