Can't locate proof of baptism

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Hope this is the right forum, I am still learning. I was born in 1957 and baptized that year but my parents have passed and eveything out of their old home has been distributed. I remember having my baptismal certificate at one time I think as I thought my mother gave it to me years ago but it is not in our house or safe. I grew up in a Methodist church that I attended from age 2 but my siblings did not think I was baptized there. I called the churches that were possiblities as they remembered it and there are no records. The church I spent the most time in is checking now. While I personally don’t have an issue with having to be baptized conditionally if I was baptized and I am sure I was I don’t want to do anything wrong. Also maybe it does bother me a little as I have been a committed Christian for some time and had no doubts about this and again want to do what is right in the eyes of God. Has anyone else run into this- would the Church take the word of a sibling or some other proof like my confirmation in the Methodist Church as I assume I could not have been confirmed if i wasn’t baptized? Also I am godmother of two Catholic nieces as my husband is Catholic and was also married jointly by a minister and priest validly and I assume I would have had to have shown proof of baptism at some point for those things. Would any of those events serve as secondary proof? Any help is appreciated!!

I’m no expert but of everything you have said the fact that a priest was involved in your wedding is probably your biggest help (outside of finding your actual baptism certificate). For the baptisms, you are listed as “Christian Witness” which might not require a baptism certificate in itself (so it likely isn’t .

If you contact the parish the priest was from for your wedding, they might have some kind of notation that can help.
Hi, Val;

When you got married, you probably submitted a photocopy of your baptismal certificate to the parish office. While the actual photocopy may be long gone, there will be a notation in a book somewhere that indicates that you provided them with your baptismal certificate. It may even have a notation of the date and place of your baptism.

Try contacting the parish where you were married, and see whether they still have a record of it. If they have a record of the place and date of your baptism, so much the better. 🙂
Possibly the Methodist church you were confirmed in required a record of your Baptism before you were confirmed.
good answers and yes, if there is a relative or other person still around who witnessed your baptism a written statement from them attesting to all the facts would be accepted as proof, ask your pastor if the other avenues of investigation fail.
Possibly the Methodist church you were confirmed in required a record of your Baptism before you were confirmed.
Good idea. If they don’t physically have sufficient evidence for your purposes (converting to RC I presume), then that church may have enough info to help you figure out where to look. The confirmation register may state the church of baptism, and you may be able to call that church, or if that congregation no longer exists, call the diocese and ask about baptismal records.

If you can’t figure out what church the baptism took place in, try to find out what churches your parents may have been members of or attended, and call them. Aunts or uncles can help out here - “Hey, Uncle Joe? Do you remember what church your sister attended when I was a baby?” Do you have any older siblings that might remember the baptism?
I called the churches that were possiblities as they remembered it and there are no records.
Also think about the possiblity of the church having closed or been renamed.

That happened to me. Fortunately, I just happened to write to one guy I was emailing with, “I was always under the impression that I was baptised at St. Paul’s.”

And fortunately, he had lived in that city for decades and so he knew that because of demographic changes, that church is now called de San Pablo!

But I wouldn’t have minded being conditionally baptised by a Catholic priest. Actually, I wanted to be baptised by a Catholic priest, but they wouldn’t do it.
Good idea. If they don’t physically have sufficient evidence for your purposes (converting to RC I presume), then that church may have enough info to help you figure out where to look. The confirmation register may state the church of baptism, and you may be able to call that church, or if that congregation no longer exists, call the diocese and ask about baptismal records.

If you can’t figure out what church the baptism took place in, try to find out what churches your parents may have been members of or attended, and call them. Aunts or uncles can help out here - “Hey, Uncle Joe? Do you remember what church your sister attended when I was a baby?” Do you have any older siblings that might remember the baptism?
My sister is ten years older and she thought it was one of two and unfortunately neither has any records.I do have my confirmation certificate so another route I was thinking of taking was having my current Methodist pastor verify that as Methodist I could not have been confirmed without being baptized. Still have calls out to the church where I spent my childhood years from age 2.

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