From Wikipedia’s definition: Envy (from Latin invidia) is an emotion which “occurs when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it”.
It’s kinda embarassing, but between all the seven capital sins, it’s the one I can’t intellectually grasp. Yes, I aknowledge that it exist, but in an abstract way. I know that many people feel the desire to see other people ( not enemies: simply people that possess the desired item or quality ) losing the thing they desire, but I don’t understand… why.
I can understand the desire of witnessing an enemy losing something. This is the desire of revenge. It’s Wrath.
I can understand the desire of taking something that does not belong to you. This is Greed.
But I can’t understand why should a person wish that another ( not an enemy or a rival, not someone that will grant an advantage to you if damaged ) lose something, just for the sake of it. I mean, what pleasure or advantage does it brings?
In my opinion, Envy is… utterly irrational. It’s a behiavour I find hard to understand.
Thoughts about that?
It’s kinda embarassing, but between all the seven capital sins, it’s the one I can’t intellectually grasp. Yes, I aknowledge that it exist, but in an abstract way. I know that many people feel the desire to see other people ( not enemies: simply people that possess the desired item or quality ) losing the thing they desire, but I don’t understand… why.
I can understand the desire of witnessing an enemy losing something. This is the desire of revenge. It’s Wrath.
I can understand the desire of taking something that does not belong to you. This is Greed.
But I can’t understand why should a person wish that another ( not an enemy or a rival, not someone that will grant an advantage to you if damaged ) lose something, just for the sake of it. I mean, what pleasure or advantage does it brings?
In my opinion, Envy is… utterly irrational. It’s a behiavour I find hard to understand.
Thoughts about that?