Cardinal Newman Society calls for removal of ‘pro-choice’ Catholic college professors

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**Cardinal Newman Society calls for removal of ‘pro-choice’ Catholic college professors

**Boston, Aug. 17, 2005 (CNA) - The Cardinal Newman Society, a Catholic watchdog group, is calling for the removal of 18 academics who they say, “perpetuate a culture of death” by their public support of abortion and the recent starvation death of brain damaged Terri Schiavo. The group has specifically targeted Catholic institutions like Boston College and Georgetown University, both of which they say, risk being “stripped of [their] Catholic identity by the bishop who has authority over that college.”

In an eight page letter sent to some 75,000 recipients throughout this past spring and summer, Eugene Diamond, former president of the Catholic Medical Association, wrote that “It is for us to raise our voice in defense of the truth and demand that authentic Catholic doctrine be brought back to our beloved universities and colleges.”

“And the most natural first response to such dishonesty and underhandedness”, he continued, “is anger!”

The Virginia based Newman Society urges Catholic colleges and universities to remain faithful to the teaching and Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

The letter specifically names Rev. John Paris, a bioethics professor and Catholic priest at Boston College, and Charles Baron and Milton Heifetz, who are both Jewish professors at BC’s law school.

buffalo said:
Cardinal Newman Society calls for removal of ‘pro-choice’ Catholic college professors

****Boston, Aug. 17, 2005 (CNA) - The Cardinal Newman Society, a Catholic watchdog group, is calling for the removal of 18 academics who they say, “perpetuate a culture of death” by their public support of abortion and the recent starvation death of brain damaged Terri Schiavo. The group has specifically targeted Catholic institutions like Boston College and Georgetown University, both of which they say, risk being “stripped of [their] Catholic identity by the bishop who has authority over that college.”

In an eight page letter sent to some 75,000 recipients throughout this past spring and summer, Eugene Diamond, former president of the Catholic Medical Association, wrote that “It is for us to raise our voice in defense of the truth and demand that authentic Catholic doctrine be brought back to our beloved universities and colleges.”

“And the most natural first response to such dishonesty and underhandedness”, he continued, “is anger!”

The Virginia based Newman Society urges Catholic colleges and universities to remain faithful to the teaching and Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

The letter specifically names Rev. John Paris, a bioethics professor and Catholic priest at Boston College, and Charles Baron and Milton Heifetz, who are both Jewish professors at BC’s law school.


I mention this in another link from a couple of days ago. Rev. Paris from Boston College actually referred to the group as the “Christian Taliban”. Those are strong words for a group that just wants professors to teach things compatible with the Church’s Magisterium. Remind me not to send my kid to Boston College.
I mention this in another link from a couple of days ago. Rev. Paris from Boston College actually referred to the group as the “Christian Taliban”. Those are strong words for a group that just wants professors to teach things compatible with the Church’s Magisterium. Remind me not to send my kid to Boston College.

I bet Rev. Paris was one of those who either left the room or changed the channel every time the subject of the Taliban came up on TV, esp., if the newscaster had the bad-taste to show the images of the women being publicly beaten on the streets for showing the slightest slip of skin or walking out in public without a male relative or the other images of the women being executed in the huge soccer stadium (attendence was MANDETORY) for being charged with adultery.

Since Rev. Paris must have missed these lovely scenes, he can now dismiss anyone who desires that Catholic doctrine be taught in Catholic Universities by calling them “Christian Taliban”, thereby ending the need for him to listen to them or the need for him to see them as anything but pests.

Why doesn’t he just either learn to submit to the magisterium of the Church? or, If he can’t, why doesn’t he just leave and join some church which would warmly welcome him and his heretical viewpoints, say ECUSA?

I’m sure they’d be overjoyed to have him, and that he’d never have to hear anyone criticizing his Heterodoxy or calling him a SINNER!

I’m sorry, but I’m EXTREMLY ILL AND FATIGUED at these theologians who keep complaining that the Church is unfair in making them teach CATHOLIC DOCTRINE.

Why can’t they just teach Catholic Doctrine rather than acting as if heresy is some sort of courageous option or academic obligation? Is this really asking too much of these people?

I say that if it is, maybe the most loving thing we can do is to remind them that the Church is a VOLUNTARY association and to show them the way out.

Hopefully, at least in a few cases, this “shock therapy” will cause some of these theologians to rethink their heresies and to decide if they’re all that important or even worth hanging on to.

Blessed are they who act to save the Innocent, Michael
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