Fulll Story
Cardinal Murphy O’Connor gives his view on Condoms
The programme aired two extremes of current Catholic teaching. One was that of Cardinal Wamala, Uganda’s top papist. He argued, implacably, that condoms were passports to Hell; as for having unprotected sex, he explained that embracing martyrdom was better than mortal sin. Elsewhere, in Brussels, the Belgian Cardinal Daneels insisted that men in Africa should wear a condom during sex, otherwise it was a sin against the Fifth Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. At such moments, he reasoned, it was no longer a birth-control device, but a protection against death.
Can you split doctrinal hairs like this? Can you argue that one definition of a condom eclipses another? What does the British Cardinal think?
“First, I’d say that it’s right for the Church to preach chastity, that sexual intercourse is for within marriage. But God knows, people just do not live up to ideals. While we can say that, objectively, the use of condoms is wrong, there are places where it might be licit, or allowable, as when there’s a danger of intercourse leading to death. It would be wrong to take a special case and make it a universal law. There is such a thing as objective morality, where things are either right or wrong; but there are also subjective matters that affect whether a thing is slightly wrong or not wrong at all. That’s what we’re talking about in this case. So I would agree with Cardinal Daneels’s position.”
This is the head of the Church in Unitied Kingdom, what can we do with this type of attidude?
Cardinal Murphy O’Connor gives his view on Condoms
The programme aired two extremes of current Catholic teaching. One was that of Cardinal Wamala, Uganda’s top papist. He argued, implacably, that condoms were passports to Hell; as for having unprotected sex, he explained that embracing martyrdom was better than mortal sin. Elsewhere, in Brussels, the Belgian Cardinal Daneels insisted that men in Africa should wear a condom during sex, otherwise it was a sin against the Fifth Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. At such moments, he reasoned, it was no longer a birth-control device, but a protection against death.
Can you split doctrinal hairs like this? Can you argue that one definition of a condom eclipses another? What does the British Cardinal think?
“First, I’d say that it’s right for the Church to preach chastity, that sexual intercourse is for within marriage. But God knows, people just do not live up to ideals. While we can say that, objectively, the use of condoms is wrong, there are places where it might be licit, or allowable, as when there’s a danger of intercourse leading to death. It would be wrong to take a special case and make it a universal law. There is such a thing as objective morality, where things are either right or wrong; but there are also subjective matters that affect whether a thing is slightly wrong or not wrong at all. That’s what we’re talking about in this case. So I would agree with Cardinal Daneels’s position.”
This is the head of the Church in Unitied Kingdom, what can we do with this type of attidude?