Cardinal Virtues

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Which of the cardinal virtues do you have the most difficulty with? Also, how do you try to rectify your struggles with it?

Please share your thoughts so we all can learn from our own struggles to become closer to God.

Thanks and God bless! šŸ™‚
The cardinal virtue I struggle the most with as a Catholic is Justice. Iā€™d like to think I do pretty well this one, however sometimes I am a bit judgemental and donā€™t give others enough credit for doing the right thing even though it is in a manner different from the way I would do it.
I guess you can say Justice, even though I am a sinner I judge people very quickly. I see something Im like ā€œsinner, pagan, heathen.ā€ I have to cut back, but when something is so obvious I feel like im doing right by admonishing the sinner.

I have a tendency of jumping to supposed positions of others in these forumsā€¦

So, behave and do as i sayā€¦ šŸ˜ƒ

No, iā€™m still a work in progress, but I do want to learn, and I am interested in what the other has to sayā€¦reallyā€¦
Am I in confession? Mea culpa! I chose temperence (so did a lot of folks- theyā€™re just to chicken to post on it!). Then again, I have a good helping of prudence which I think greatly assists temperence.
Which of the cardinal virtues do you have the most difficulty with? Also, how do you try to rectify your struggles with it?
Prudence is my big issue. I have always been very confused morally. It is such a boon once you automatically tend to do the right thing in a certain type of situation. There were several things that improved prudence for me. First, correct reading material. Eventually something sticks. If all the examples floating around in your brain lead the right way, you seem to eventually follow.

Second, chastity. Not being chaste leads to such a habit of rationalization that none of your thought processes are immune from the corruption. Chastity burns the fog off your brain. Third, study moral theology to increase your confidence in your ability to tell right from wrong and to confront and throw out all those wrongful ideas you may have stored up from before you were trying to be devout.

Fourth? I havenā€™t got that one. I still dither, instinctively chose the wrong thing, or become confused by sudden situations that crop up and by long term dealings, especially with addicts and abusers. How to respond to them? Who knows. Iā€™m beginning to think it might be spending time before the blessed sacrament, but I only do that now and then.
I choose temperance. (it looks like I have lots of company) Although in many ways I feel weak in all of these. But, virtues must be practiced and prayed for, so Iā€™d better get on with it! šŸ™‚
all of the above, its just a matter of ranking. I picked fortitude, because if I could just stick with my good plans and intentions Iā€™d be okay on the other virtues. (see related thread on the Devil made me Do It.) My deadly vice is sloth, neglect of spiritual duties, profound dissatisfaction with prayer and good works (I Canā€™t Get No . . . ) which is an offense against charity, so I am also sinning against Justice. OOH I need to start making a list for my next confession. My method of struggle is to have a good spiritual advice from the sisters of the Benedictine abbey where I am an oblate, and the best advice is to do what my director asks me to do, and not try to do more on my own initiative. The huge LOTH was too intimidating, so I use Shorter Christian Prayer, which the oblates use, and Magnificat when I am travelling. 20 decades of the rosary was too much and I found excuses not to say rosary, so I went back to 5 decades. And so forth. Not that I am trying to get away from doing anything above the minimum but I would rather be faithful in small promises, than neglectful of grandiose ones.
Definatly JUSTICE.
I have an overactive sense of inequality, fairness, and am super sensitive to dishonesty. This makes me over-react to injustices and then I struggle with ANGER.
This is very closely related to the capitol sin PRIDE.
God is working on me! :o
If I have to pick one, Iā€™d say that Temperence is the one I need the most help withā€¦food, possessions, etc. Actually, I could use some help with ALL of the above. I pray a lotā€¦ and TRY to deny myself the food or the new clothes by offering it up for the Poor Souls. :banghead:
Temperenceā€¦is very tough for me. Particularly when it comes to being attracted to girls. I am a 16 year old boy, and it is VERY hard not to be inordinately attracted to girls. Now I realize that this falls more under the sin of lust, but of the four cardinal virtues I felt like this falls under temperence.

In Christā€™s Love,
If I have to pick one, Iā€™d say that Temperence is the one I need the most help withā€¦food, possessions, etc. :banghead:
Temperance wins for me also its just that food thing, not so much the possessions but sugarā€¦ I just hope there is a whole lot of it in heaven.šŸ˜ƒ
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