Career Advice??

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I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to put this question… but here it is.

I am currently very interested in a career in Public Health with a focus on Epidemiology. I think there are very many important areas to research and I am especially interested in looking into ways to prevent birth defects (by changing diet, environment, etc). I was just curious if there is any one out there with a Masters in Public Health (with an Epidemiology focus) who could offer any advice about this kind of career. How difficult is it to find a job, and if it can go along with having a family, or if you take time off (years) to raise children - how difficult is it to get back into? Also how likely are you to come across situations where your moral values will differ from the ideals held by your place of work (for example stat health departments encouraging the use of condoms)? Thanks, I realize this is kind of a specific question and that I may not get many responses.
I cant’ speak for myself, but I do have a close relative with an MS in epidemiology. She spent several years working for Kaiser Permanente. I don’t know the details of her job, but I do know there was lots of time in a cubicle. I also know, from other Kaiser employees, that their social attitudes are often not in line with Catholic teaching. I don’t know if this ever came up for my relative or not.

She is currently in nursing school pursuing a career change.

Just a random suggestion: find out if there are any catholic health care institutions or systems, or see what Dr. Hilgers’ people in Nebraska have to say about career possibilities within the Catholic health care system.
Thanks for your reply LittleRose,

How do you recommend I go about finding out what Dr. Hilgers has to say about career possibilities within the Catholic health care system?

Thank you! 🙂
**I know this isn’t specifcally the area you asked about but my husband who has an undergrad in Molecular BIology and a MA in Theology is now considering a degree in Bioethics…Loyola is offering an online program now and there are several universities that have a superb program…I believe the NIH also offers a fellowship as well.

Anyways sorry if thats not the answer you were looking for but I thought you might find that area interesting too:)**
I saw this site that looks like a site with job listings that you can choose the fields that might be in a public health area.

If it’s worth anything, the U of Nebraska Med. Center just started a College of Public health with a MS and PhD programs. It’s two miles up the road from Creighton, and I’m sure a person could network with Dr. Hilgers.
Thanks for your advice, actually I guess I should tell you all a little more info. I have already applied to and been accepted to a Masters program in Public Health in Texas and I will be getting married soon so I will need to be in Texas for a few years at least (while my fiancé finishes up his masters). I guess I just wanted to know if you all think this is a good area to pursue. Working for Dr. Hilgers network would be amazing; however I don’t think I will be able to live in Nebraska anytime soon. I don’t imagine there is anything like that in Texas?

Thanks 🙂
Texas, our Texas…! I am in San Antonio, anyone else?

Dr. Martha Garza is here in SA and she is a pro-life GYN. My wife’s prescription one time was to buy a St. Benedict medal and visit Jesus in the Eucharist. She may have some ideas. I don’t know.
Why don’t you see if Lab Chick will answer an e-mail? She has an MD and a PhD and could probably answer all your questions.

Thanks John,

I attempted to search for Lab Chick on Catholic Answers to see what she thinks, however I was unable to find a user with that name? Is there another way to contact her?

Thanks for your reply LittleRose,

How do you recommend I go about finding out what Dr. Hilgers has to say about career possibilities within the Catholic health care system?

Thank you! 🙂
I don’t know if you’d be able to talk to him personally or not (he’s in high demand these days) but he is affiliated with research institutions like the Pope Paul VI institute. You could always contact them and ask if they employ epidemiologists. The downside is, they are in Nebraska, so if you need to be in TX, that could be a bit out of the way. On the west coast there is a system of Catholic hospitals (Catholic Health Care West) There is one Catholic hospital in Houston that I am aware of. I don’t know if it is affiliated with a larger network or not.

If you are restricted to a certain region for family reasons, you may find yourself needing to take what is available. 😦 You might want to consider biotech companies, if they are not involved in questionable research. You could also do a little search of job sites like to see what companies tend to hire people with a master’s in public health.
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