Is there anything out there to assist Catholics who are having to transition careers in order to stay true to their faith?
Here’s the situation: I work in health insurance. I was able to hold my nose and accept the mandates for birth control, etc., because while they’re immoral and scandalous, I’m American enough to believe that people have the right to make a mistake if they want to, and health insurance is primarily a civil concept.
However, last year I nearly got fired for gently (but firmly) refusing to quote coverage for a local Planned Parenthood office. The only reason they didn’t fire me was because they couldn’t afford to have the position vacant at that time, but I did get out of that job as quickly as I reasonably could. I’m now with an employer that’s more in line with my beliefs. But…
Anyone who’s watching the industry knows that an abortion coverage mandate is coming. There are already certain state mandates I wouldn’t work under (such as IVF coverage being mandated in Massachusetts), which also may become nationwide. Abortion and IVF aren’t just immoral mistakes. They require the actual killing of human beings.
I suspect it’s time to change careers. The problem? I have a mortgage, a family to support, and a good bit of debt that I’ve been working on for a while but am not done eradicating. The -last- thing I need to be doing is running up more debt by way of student loans for college; and there’s no such thing as merit scholarships for mid-40s career changers.
Anyone know of any resources out there for Catholics who are having to transition careers in order to be true to the Church? I’ve already been more flexible than I probably should have, but apparently even that’s not going to be enough to be able to stay.
(N.B. I do not support “healthcare sharing ministries” because of some major flaws in their models and designs. But that’s another conversation.)
Here’s the situation: I work in health insurance. I was able to hold my nose and accept the mandates for birth control, etc., because while they’re immoral and scandalous, I’m American enough to believe that people have the right to make a mistake if they want to, and health insurance is primarily a civil concept.
However, last year I nearly got fired for gently (but firmly) refusing to quote coverage for a local Planned Parenthood office. The only reason they didn’t fire me was because they couldn’t afford to have the position vacant at that time, but I did get out of that job as quickly as I reasonably could. I’m now with an employer that’s more in line with my beliefs. But…
Anyone who’s watching the industry knows that an abortion coverage mandate is coming. There are already certain state mandates I wouldn’t work under (such as IVF coverage being mandated in Massachusetts), which also may become nationwide. Abortion and IVF aren’t just immoral mistakes. They require the actual killing of human beings.
I suspect it’s time to change careers. The problem? I have a mortgage, a family to support, and a good bit of debt that I’ve been working on for a while but am not done eradicating. The -last- thing I need to be doing is running up more debt by way of student loans for college; and there’s no such thing as merit scholarships for mid-40s career changers.
Anyone know of any resources out there for Catholics who are having to transition careers in order to be true to the Church? I’ve already been more flexible than I probably should have, but apparently even that’s not going to be enough to be able to stay.
(N.B. I do not support “healthcare sharing ministries” because of some major flaws in their models and designs. But that’s another conversation.)
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