Carthusian Charterhouse of the Transfiguration

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Praised be Jesus Christ!!

Does this Carthusian Charterhouse offer student loan forgiveness?

I have prayed and contemplated this Vocation for some time now. However, I have <15,000 of school loan debt while studying at a Catholic University. If not, are there any additional options for loan forgiveness in this context? The only I have found is The Laboure Society:

Also, how is it determined who becomes a Brother and who a Father? Is this decision ultimately left to the Charterhouse or the individual?

I ask these questions here to educate myself as best I can before I formally write the Charterhouse.

Let us praise the Lord, & give Him thanks.\

God Bless everyone considering a devout, Christian Vocation.
  • Mc8r1de
Hmmm… I know for all the things I looked at they require you to be debt free.

For most orders I think the decision of ordination is always left up to the superior of the community.

Hopefully JR or another Brother/Sister will be able to help more that I.
Things might have changed since but when I was investigating the Charterhouse about 25 years ago, they were not considering applicants for brothers. They required some college education of their applicants for fathers but were unwilling to offer any assistance paying for it. So, I doubt they offered debt forgiveness. If I remember correctly, they required your pastor’s recommendation before they would consider allowing you to come for a visit. I was permitted to stay there for about a month and really enjoyed it, living in a cell, reading, praying, and chopping wood. The food was pretty good. Chanting with them in choir was fun but I wish I had had a better grasp of Latin. My advice is that you get a job and pay off your debt before writing them. A little work never hurt anyone.
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