I started Witcher 2, but quickly decided the series is too vulgar and sexually explicit for me, which is a shame since it is critically acclaimed as one of the best fantasy games and it did seem rich with lore.
Dragon Age Origins is tied with Knights of the Old Republic as my favorite rpg. I was really disappointed in a lot of things about 2, such as enemy waves, reused environments, lack of party equipment aesthetics, categorized dialogue tree etc… but the story and characters were still great.
Inquisition is easily my least favorite though. I hate how much empty space there is filled with tedious tasks, especially with my compulsion to cover every inch, loot every chest, read every codex. I hate how the mechanics are poorly suited to platforming, and yet reaching certain items requires it. I hate how straightforward the skill trees are, with few choices of active skills. I dislike most of the companions, and the ones I like are still inferior to previous games companions. There isn’t nearly enough guaranteed legendary gear or schematics to find compared to how large the game is, which makes exploring feel fruitless. I hate that most fights are just wandering hoardes of enemies requiring no tactics to defeat since the fights aren’t designed. I don’t think the game is any closer to Origins. It almost feels like playing an MMO all alone.