Call me crazy, but I don’t recall my parents paying for any catechism classes. 1965-1975. I was a CCD teacher and I don’t recall asking parents to pay for anything other than retreats or food for lockin’s. The DRE gave us our teaching materials and we had training every quarter during the year, plus teacher retreats. All of us were “volunteer”. The DRE was the only one paid.
Is this for teaching public school Catholic children, once a week for about an hour and half from Sept to May? If so, that is ridiculas. If that fee was charged to public school Catholic parents…you sure wouldn’t see their kids there. I also don’t recall CCD being like “school”…homework, thick text books, etc. I remember a tear out type book when I was younger…and mimeo-graph (remember that smell
)machine worksheets in middle and high school. When I had confirmation class…we had pamphlet like lessons.
I do remember at one of our in house teacher meetings…we all found it difficult to get kids focused on what we were supposed to be teaching them…and have them (& their parents) take it seriously…vs. a fun hour at the Catholic school or Church hall on Wednesday nights.
We chose Wednesday nights, because alot of the Catholic kids were going to the Baptist/Holiness/Methodist/Episcopalian Wednesday night prayer services. The kids would have fun activities…while the parents attended the main Church for a prayer service.
Meanwhile, the parents would drop their kids off at the Catholic School or Church hall at 4:00 pm on Wednesdays…go to Wal-Mart, the gym, etc…and come back at 5:30 to pick up the kids. Very few darkened the door or came in to see what was going on.
Each year, the DRE would get the parents at each grade level together. You can guess where the largest attendance of parents came from…“first communion” second grade and “confirmation” 7/8th grade. Anything in between was bare bones…and attended 2 to 1 by the mothers.
I hope you talk to someone about that price…and yes, I would ask for an itemized list.