[2284](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/2284.htm’) Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. The person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor’s tempter. .
[2285](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/2285.htm’) Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized…** Scandal is grave when given by those who by nature or office are obliged to teach and educate others…**
[588](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/588.htm’) Jesus scandalized the Pharisees …
[589](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/589.htm’) Jesus gave scandal above all …
The Catechism teaches to give scandal makes one a tempter.
The Catechism teaches Jesus gave scandal.
Therefore, the Catechism,. objectively, teaches Jesus is a tempter - a grave sinner according to 2285 - given His Person and Office.
Can we learn who wrote this section of the Catechism? Can we learn if it was originally written this way - and if so, why?
Can we learn if this is just another poor and indefensible translation.
As it currently published, the Catechism is an abomination on this matter and it needs to be corrected. Today.
I have been railing about this since the Catechsim was first issued and I have raised this matter with laity and clergy alike. Whenever I do, the usual response is to first deny the reality and then to dismiss it as "well, it realy wasn’t intended to mean thaa…blah, blah, blah.
As it now stands, Our Lord and Saviour is the only person, Divine Person at that, who is identified in the Catechism as one who gave scandal while, simultaneously, teaching that giving scandal makes one a tempter.
This is an abomination and it must be changed. Today.**
[2285](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/2285.htm’) Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized…** Scandal is grave when given by those who by nature or office are obliged to teach and educate others…**
[588](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/588.htm’) Jesus scandalized the Pharisees …
[589](javascriptpenWindow(‘cr/589.htm’) Jesus gave scandal above all …
The Catechism teaches to give scandal makes one a tempter.
The Catechism teaches Jesus gave scandal.
Therefore, the Catechism,. objectively, teaches Jesus is a tempter - a grave sinner according to 2285 - given His Person and Office.
Can we learn who wrote this section of the Catechism? Can we learn if it was originally written this way - and if so, why?
Can we learn if this is just another poor and indefensible translation.
As it currently published, the Catechism is an abomination on this matter and it needs to be corrected. Today.
I have been railing about this since the Catechsim was first issued and I have raised this matter with laity and clergy alike. Whenever I do, the usual response is to first deny the reality and then to dismiss it as "well, it realy wasn’t intended to mean thaa…blah, blah, blah.
As it now stands, Our Lord and Saviour is the only person, Divine Person at that, who is identified in the Catechism as one who gave scandal while, simultaneously, teaching that giving scandal makes one a tempter.
This is an abomination and it must be changed. Today.**