Something that’s been bothering me for a long time is how to approach entertainment as a Catholic. It seems that everywhere I go (TV, social media, movies, etc.) entertainment displays immoral behavior. I’ve heard the argument that “we know it’s wrong, it’s just entertainment” but how far does that go? When I raised the discussion to my Catholic friends, the show Arrested Development was the example of choice. Everyone thought I was being scrupulous and decided to continue watching the show.
My issue is this: Arrested Development (and EVERY show I can think of) displays immoral people leading immoral lives. The main character is not an example to be followed. At best, he’s trying to lead a good life but is directionless and empty. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a funny show. But the point is that bad things happen in it.
The reason I have to ask these questions is because I need to know where to draw the line. About a year and a half ago, I was really into gay romances. Nothing too explicit (at least not intentionally) but “cutsie” little love stories between cute boys. That seems to shock people for some reason. It seems out of the question that a Catholic would watch something like that and enjoy it. On some subconscious level, I know that it wasn’t good for me which is why I gave it up. But in order to maintain that commitment, I need to be able to logically explain why.
What’s the difference between gay romance and Arrested Development? What kind of stuff can Catholics watch for entertainment? Or would it be better for Catholics not to engage in any form of TV entertainment because of the moral depravity of current media?
I appreciate your thoughts!
My issue is this: Arrested Development (and EVERY show I can think of) displays immoral people leading immoral lives. The main character is not an example to be followed. At best, he’s trying to lead a good life but is directionless and empty. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a funny show. But the point is that bad things happen in it.
The reason I have to ask these questions is because I need to know where to draw the line. About a year and a half ago, I was really into gay romances. Nothing too explicit (at least not intentionally) but “cutsie” little love stories between cute boys. That seems to shock people for some reason. It seems out of the question that a Catholic would watch something like that and enjoy it. On some subconscious level, I know that it wasn’t good for me which is why I gave it up. But in order to maintain that commitment, I need to be able to logically explain why.
What’s the difference between gay romance and Arrested Development? What kind of stuff can Catholics watch for entertainment? Or would it be better for Catholics not to engage in any form of TV entertainment because of the moral depravity of current media?
I appreciate your thoughts!