Catholic bashing started long ago

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Great article on the Inquisition–please read this! Pass it on!
Catholic Bashing started with a guy named Saul of Tarsus. Fortunately, he saw the light…literally. 👍
Catholic Bashing started with a guy named Saul of Tarsus. Fortunately, he saw the light…literally. 👍
I would go further back to Jesus’ passion, being insulted by the crowd and scourged.
I would go further back to Jesus’ passion, being insulted by the crowd and scourged.
I would have too, but I was commenting more specifically of the persecution of the Church. 👍
I would have too, but I was commenting more specifically of the persecution of the Church. 👍
So was I except I was looking at the Church as the Body of Christ and the passion as the first persecution of it, with all others building upon it.

Our sufferings in our persecution for being loyal to Christ is united with him in his passion and part of his suffering is suffering for us in our persecutions and suffering for the sins of our persecutors.
I can certainly empathize. My persecution complex is constantly interfering with my delusions of grandeur.
In all fairness. Before Vatican II, and even today, many Catholics tell Protestants that, outside the Catholic Church, they will burn in hell. Can we not imagine that the Catholic doctrine, “no salvation outside the Church” might tic the Protestants off a little?

I have heard some post Vatican II Church leaders say that some Protestant baptisms put a person inside the Catholic Church. I know that Catholics leaders only told the Lutherans about “no salvation outside the Catholic Church” after the Lutherans had signed the Joint Catholic Lutheran Declaration on Justification. The Protestants felt very decieved by this. I agree with them that it was a deceptive act on the part of Catholic leaders not to bring up the subject when discussing the path to heaven.

I am not an expert on the Church doctrine of “No salvation outside the Church”. I am aware that Protestants take the statement as a grave insult against them. When a Protestant is told that they will burn in hell for not being a Catholic, can we not expect some to go on the offensive and that some might even seek vengence?

I think that we Catholics must discipline ourselves to look at the full picture. Persecuted for the Faith for believeing in “no salvation outside the Church”, fine. However, let us not be so naive to think that Protestant confrontation came out of nowhere.

“The Most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews, heretics, and schismatics can never be partakers of eternal life, but that they are to go into the eternal fire ‘which was prepared for the devil and his angels,’ (Mt. 25:41) unless before death they are joined with Her; … no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved unless they abide within the bosom and*** unity*** of the Catholic Church.” (1)

Quoted from

Peace in Christ,

Steven Merten
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