D discipleofJesus Guest Apr 5, 2006 #1 Hi, Can someone recommend a good Catholic book on Jehovah’s Witnesses?
D Daniel_Marsh Guest Apr 5, 2006 #2 Catholic Answer To The Jehovah’s Witnesses Louise D’Angelo The Incredible Creed of the Jehovah Witnesses Rev. Leslie Rumble
Catholic Answer To The Jehovah’s Witnesses Louise D’Angelo The Incredible Creed of the Jehovah Witnesses Rev. Leslie Rumble
P PhilVaz Guest Apr 5, 2006 #3 Don’t forget Jason Evert wrote a book on them: Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses by Jason Evert Phil P
D discipleofJesus Guest Apr 6, 2006 #4 Thanks for the recommended Catholic books on Jehovah’s Witnesses guys. If anyone knows any more, feel free to post them here.
Thanks for the recommended Catholic books on Jehovah’s Witnesses guys. If anyone knows any more, feel free to post them here.
J jschwehm Guest Apr 7, 2006 #5 You might like to try our website too. www.catholicxjw.com Jeff S. President The Fellowship of Catholic Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses
You might like to try our website too. www.catholicxjw.com Jeff S. President The Fellowship of Catholic Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses