Is burial at sea permitted for Catholics?
For some, Davy Jones represents an infamously myopic sailor named Duffer Jones, who often fell into the sea from his ship. Another such interpretation points to the 19th-century dictionary that refers the name to a “ghost of Jonah” the biblical seaman whose name meant bad luck on to sailors. According to the Bible, God punished Jonah for his disobedience and he became the “devil of the seas,” after which the crew abroad his vessel killed him.Another version of the Jonah story refers to the prophet who happened to spent a few days inside the whale and connects his days in the tract of a whale with the Davy Jones’ Locker.
Among the Welsh seafaring community, Davy Jones refers to their patron saint – St. Davis, whom they believe is saving them from the harsh nature of the ocean. According to this legend, St. Davis will only protect the good sailors, while the immoral seafarers would be sent to Davy Jones’ Locker. Some theories also suggest that “Davy Jones” comes from the name of Duppy, the West Indian malevolent ghost. According to the lore that did rounds among the people in the islands, Duppy comes out in the night to haunt people.