Catholic Daughters, am I too young to join?

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Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, I’m new to the forums. I searched “Catholic Daughters” and I didn’t find anything. I was wondering if there are any members who could talk about their experiences in it? I’m 20, which is kind of young. I always see either teenagers in the Junior Catholic Daughters or mature women in the local CDA. I’m college age but go to community college in a small town so there isn’t a college chapter or anything. I don’t know why, but I feel really compelled to join. As I understand it the CDA helps people, and I want to help people. The application says you have to be over 18, which I am, I just don’t know if I’d fit in. I would always hear people talk about their moms and grandmas being in it. I think a 20 year old wanting to join would look kinda funny. Plus I’m really shy and get embarrassed easily. The whole idea of calling and asking gives me anxiety.

Anyway, if there are any members I’d like your thoughts and opinions.
I’d actually love to have (name removed by moderator)ut on this as well, I’m the type that’s shy as well, and my parish doesn’t even have Junior Catholic Daughters, but I’ve considered joining. I myself am 19(well, almost) I’ve also considered joining the Rosary Club at my parish, where they’re mostly senior citizens, however, maybe if we join it would encourage other young people to get involved?
We have a Catholic Daughters at our church. I know they have a rummage sale once a year in February, and I guess they donate the proceeds to the church. Beyond that, I have no idea what they do. They do on occasion sit in the assigned places in church, and I think they wear white clothes.

If you check out online you may find something about them.
I’m in my parish’s Mens’ Group and Respect Life Ministry. Most of the people are elderly, but elderly people are always enjoyable to talk to. Who cares if you don’t fit in? :confused:
Thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut guys 🙂
And Sneaux you’re right, maybe we could encourage younger people to join. I’ve been working up the courage to call and ask for information about my local chapter. I went to their website and didn’t really get the details I was looking for. Maybe I’ll update.

Thanks for the replies though 🙂
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