I run Catholic Digital Studio. My little baby has grown into a toddler over the past few years.
Mission statement:
Catholic Digital Studio is a multimedia site devoted to spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Through written, audio and visual media, we intend to spread hope to a world that desperately needs to hear Christ’s message of salvation.
We have a large selection of free Catholic Video downloads featuring productions created by Catholic Digital Studio. Our main production subject is classes taught by lay apologist, Mr. Vic Scaravilli. Also included are featured videos produced by other Catholic Internet evangelists such as: Father Jeffrey Mickler, That Catholic Show by Greg and Jennifer Willits, the Pro-life Video Collection, The Miracle of Damascus, Sacred Heart of Medford’s Audio-Visual Blog, Hanga Abbey: A Model of Hope, Steve Silvia and the Singing Sisters, and many more.
Our Online Catholic Library has links to free e-books and to other excellent Catholic websites, listed under such topics as: Bibles and Bible studies, Catechesis, Theology, Church History, Church Councils, Spirituality, Saints Biographies, Catholic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, the Writings of Vic Scaravilli and the Children’s Corner.
This site hopes to educate and inspire Catholics, so that we all can participate in the New Evangelization as One Body. Let us join together in order to bring about the New Springtime and the Era of Peace.
I have some really GOOD videos going up this year, all in HD 720p. It’s pretty cool. I’m excited. I like my new camera. (The older videos are not in HD, but 640X480). This site is run from two main locations: YouTube and from the regular website which feeds off my You Tub uploads.
**The You Tube channel Catholic Digital Studio:
Catholic Digital Studio homepage
Catholic Digital Studio video page
The main focus is Mr. Vic Scaravilli, lay Catholic Apologist. He is the West coast leader of the Light of the World Evangelization Retreats abd teaches RCIA and Adult Catholic Education. Vic is enrolled in a Master’s program in Theology from Franciscan University, Steubenville.
Secondary focus is selected videos from the Awareness of Mary Conference, an approved conference at our parish.
Tertiary focus is whatever I think is cool – as long as it is faithful to Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. I’m a bit … how can we put it nicely without using any Freudian terminology … obsessive compulsive about this point.
The other cool stuff involves the non-video links on the homepage, a Catholic-nerd’s DREAM! I’ve got a cool library and I’ve embedded links to all sorts of free Catholic e-books.
Oh, I also have AUDIO mp3 downloads, some of them originally mine. Most are links to others, but I have two hour-long segments of Vic Scaravilli debating Van Hale, a Mormon radio talk show host. They did the debate live, on the air! I was so proud of the Vicster, and his first big debate. I’m also going to post the second big debate he did “A Protestant Catholic Dialog” in mp3 form, too. This is presently available in video.
So, feel free to check us out. Everything is free. I don’t take donations, nor to I provide third-party advertising (except for the webcounter on the homepage). But, I do accept prayers.
Presently, we’re studying Romans and we just got to Chapter 7. The Romans course will probably be two years long and I won’t have it finished until next Summer at the earliest. I’m putting it up as we go. I’m also filming a brand new course on Vatican II, also by the Vicster. He’s doing an excellent job so far. That course will probably be two years long, too.
But hey, we eat well during breaks! I gained 5 pounds this Winter and it’s all Vic Scaravilli’s fault!!! He says he won’t work without food and so it’s his fault that it’s there for me to eat. And … his wife makes this “pizza” stuff with cream cheese, shredded cheese, tomatoes and other goodies that is to die for. But it’s still HIS fault, as it was Adam’s! So there.
Anyway, I’ll be filming videos and putting them on the Internet until I’m 103. Given that I’m not yet forty, I’ve got a few years to go. HA!
If you have any (name removed by moderator)ut, you may contact me.
God bless!
The Webmaster.
Mission statement:
Catholic Digital Studio is a multimedia site devoted to spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Through written, audio and visual media, we intend to spread hope to a world that desperately needs to hear Christ’s message of salvation.
We have a large selection of free Catholic Video downloads featuring productions created by Catholic Digital Studio. Our main production subject is classes taught by lay apologist, Mr. Vic Scaravilli. Also included are featured videos produced by other Catholic Internet evangelists such as: Father Jeffrey Mickler, That Catholic Show by Greg and Jennifer Willits, the Pro-life Video Collection, The Miracle of Damascus, Sacred Heart of Medford’s Audio-Visual Blog, Hanga Abbey: A Model of Hope, Steve Silvia and the Singing Sisters, and many more.
Our Online Catholic Library has links to free e-books and to other excellent Catholic websites, listed under such topics as: Bibles and Bible studies, Catechesis, Theology, Church History, Church Councils, Spirituality, Saints Biographies, Catholic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, the Writings of Vic Scaravilli and the Children’s Corner.
This site hopes to educate and inspire Catholics, so that we all can participate in the New Evangelization as One Body. Let us join together in order to bring about the New Springtime and the Era of Peace.
I have some really GOOD videos going up this year, all in HD 720p. It’s pretty cool. I’m excited. I like my new camera. (The older videos are not in HD, but 640X480). This site is run from two main locations: YouTube and from the regular website which feeds off my You Tub uploads.
**The You Tube channel Catholic Digital Studio:
Catholic Digital Studio homepage
Catholic Digital Studio video page
The main focus is Mr. Vic Scaravilli, lay Catholic Apologist. He is the West coast leader of the Light of the World Evangelization Retreats abd teaches RCIA and Adult Catholic Education. Vic is enrolled in a Master’s program in Theology from Franciscan University, Steubenville.
Secondary focus is selected videos from the Awareness of Mary Conference, an approved conference at our parish.
Tertiary focus is whatever I think is cool – as long as it is faithful to Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. I’m a bit … how can we put it nicely without using any Freudian terminology … obsessive compulsive about this point.
The other cool stuff involves the non-video links on the homepage, a Catholic-nerd’s DREAM! I’ve got a cool library and I’ve embedded links to all sorts of free Catholic e-books.
Oh, I also have AUDIO mp3 downloads, some of them originally mine. Most are links to others, but I have two hour-long segments of Vic Scaravilli debating Van Hale, a Mormon radio talk show host. They did the debate live, on the air! I was so proud of the Vicster, and his first big debate. I’m also going to post the second big debate he did “A Protestant Catholic Dialog” in mp3 form, too. This is presently available in video.
So, feel free to check us out. Everything is free. I don’t take donations, nor to I provide third-party advertising (except for the webcounter on the homepage). But, I do accept prayers.
Presently, we’re studying Romans and we just got to Chapter 7. The Romans course will probably be two years long and I won’t have it finished until next Summer at the earliest. I’m putting it up as we go. I’m also filming a brand new course on Vatican II, also by the Vicster. He’s doing an excellent job so far. That course will probably be two years long, too.
But hey, we eat well during breaks! I gained 5 pounds this Winter and it’s all Vic Scaravilli’s fault!!! He says he won’t work without food and so it’s his fault that it’s there for me to eat. And … his wife makes this “pizza” stuff with cream cheese, shredded cheese, tomatoes and other goodies that is to die for. But it’s still HIS fault, as it was Adam’s! So there.
Anyway, I’ll be filming videos and putting them on the Internet until I’m 103. Given that I’m not yet forty, I’ve got a few years to go. HA!
If you have any (name removed by moderator)ut, you may contact me.
God bless!
The Webmaster.