Catholic discrimination against people of different beliefs

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I am feeling inspired to write about my noticing how some Catholics seem to be against Protestants or people of different faiths.
When I was a Protestant I heard them bagging Catholics, now that I am fully Catholic I have sort of noticed anti Protestantism. Yes we have our beliefs and should hold onto that but it’s not helpful to always lump Protestants or people of other faiths into a certain stereotype that makes us wary of them all the time.
I am getting tired of some Catholics who have this sort of us and them approach and wrap themselves in cotton wool as not to be somehow disturbed.
I think we need to be bold and understand our beliefs but not have a us against the world approach that the Catholic Church has had in the past.
Well said. I get tired of both Catholics and Protestants bashing each other. I have been both. I wish we could all just get along and accept one another as Christians, and then we could reach out together to all who need to hear Jesus’ teachings.
Maybe it’s just the crowd you associate with… I never hear anyone bag anyone of another faith. … But then humans are a Tribal people … we seek our own and bag the rest…
I Think wars start that way?
I don’t know but I have seen it at the Catholic Theology College I am at by one particular seminarian, by some others I have met through Church and also on the Internet. I saw a site going on about how Islam could take over Europe and how were too lax standing up against it, and then the comments turned into a bashing of that religion pretty much.
It’s sad that sort of a pack mentality being in a certain faith can bring that whole us and them thing. We even see it within the Church between the Latin Mass goers and the Ordinary Mass goers, it’s really tiring seeing this continous animosity going on between certain groups. I guess I am over the spirit of division in the world and am wishing that we could all be united in love of one another. Loving everyone without discrimination and keeping our hearts open to people of all beliefs, faiths and socio economic situations.
After all is not that what Jesus would do?
I am very inspired by Pope Francis in his love for the downtrodden. I hope he can help us all to be encouraged to extend our love to everyone.
I recommend that you read some of Robert Spencer’s writings about Islam and also take a few minutes to visit his website at You will come away with a different view of Islam.
What do you mean by discrimination? Do you mean that Catholics reject other beliefs? That rejecting other beliefs means being against the people who hold them?
I recommend that you read some of Robert Spencer’s writings about Islam and also take a few minutes to visit his website at You will come away with a different view of Islam.
I agree 2,000% !!!
Those people who preach complete tolerance for Islam usually are those who have not met Islam as it is in Europe - especially in the UK, or in the mid-East. They know it only from reading or from its benign version as practiced in the US (except New York City)
and, in their ignorance think of it as just another religion, sort of like another type of Protestantism.
It is one thing to be liberal minded and tolerant of other religions, but being tolerant of one that is militant and condones violence in the propagation of their religion and considers those who do not believe as they do have no rights is a completely differant thing.
I am going to be honest here… I certainly understand what you are saying because I’ve been in some dialogues myself discussing beliefs on blogs with people of other Protestant belief. I have to say I was very outnumbered in a particular site by Protestants and It got really tiring to go over the same arguments about Mary and idolatry of statues, and calling priests Father and the one about the Pope being antichrist and the doom of the world caused by the church by the NWO prophesy… Then there’s people like Joyce Meyer and others who are against religion, with me fully knowing that the very thing that Jesus founded was our church… Where do they think the bible came from, the sky?? someone had to put it together, when they realize it was the CC they’re dumbfounded, and wow all the made up stories about the church thrown at me in links that I debunked… The same typical arguments we hear and I have to say, it seems to me that there is focus on these done by the protestant teachings so I was nearly always in a position of defending my faith from the start. Every time a new person came in same arguments, like arrows ready to throw at me with what they know about us, and I’d have to start over explaining our beliefs. I saw how so much of the bible is simply skimmed over by Protestants except for these points and it would really frustrate me. Like rapid fire against my beliefs, then they’d say, well I believe you will be saved but but… I acknowledged times where I would lose patience and talk more curtly back,and prayed many many times for patience and understanding from the Lord. What can I say we’re human and I have used my experiences to bring more patience to my being overall because I know everyone is a product of what we’ve come to know… i have felt the pain of being persecuted for my beliefs especially as I love my church… And as for Catholics. I wanted them to jump in and support me but they didn’t want to be a part of it. There are soo many Catholics, where are they I often thought??
Just because we don’t agree we don’t have be mean about it as though these people are sub human or something. They may hate us but we are advised to turn the other cheek
Just because we don’t agree we don’t have be mean about it as though these people are sub human or something. They may hate us but we are advised to turn the other cheek
I don’t agree that they hated me or the church for that matter, at least the Christians, well even the atheists, but it can be difficult discussing religion, it’s just like politics only I believe worse because it’s more personal… So what to do? Talk with Love in our hearts and I would pray before blogging. Turn off the computer and talk to God about it before responding in a negative way. God is a much better listener and gives us just the right words to say and how to say them! These things I learned and got better at. Practice makes perfect, well almost!
I usually just get a kick out of pointing out to my very anti catholic family exactly which parts of their service is catholic in origin. They don’t like that very much.
Just because we don’t agree we don’t have be mean about it as though these people are sub human or something. They may hate us but we are advised to turn the other cheek
I think it would be good to differentiate between difficulties between Catholics and Protestants, and difficulties between Catholics and Moslems. The two are totally different situations.

Wrt Moslem terrorists and turning the other cheek, that is all well and good for the person being attacked, but turning the cheeck of someone else who is being attacked is rather churlish, don’t you think? And there are those who have a responsibility to protect people, and they cannot ignore the reality of the situation.

WRT Catholics and Protestants, yes, there are some vicious anti-Catholic protestant sites, and some vehemently anti-Catholic sites, and I admire the Catholics who wade in there and repeat the same arguments over and over. But I have never seen or heard of a vehemently or viciously anti-Protestant Catholic site, have you? Sure there are some Catholics who rant, but I don’t think it’s a large part of the Catholic population…
Seriously “St Francis” do you think I am that callous and evil to say turn the other cheek on what they’re doing to others. Don’t be so quick to assume I’m so horrible
Jesus said that he would cause division.

Also, our church teaches that our faith is the one true faith. Other faiths have elements of the truth, but only catholicism holds the fullness of truth.

One of the spiritual acts of mercy is admonishing sinners. Of course it needs to be done with charity.
Seriously “St Francis” do you think I am that callous and evil to say turn the other cheek on what they’re doing to others. Don’t be so quick to assume I’m so horrible
Of course not! But sometimes people make a general statement without having thought it all the way through, which you apparently have.
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