Catholic Distance University

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Does anyone have any personal experience with Catholic Distance University for a bachelor’s degree in theology? How informative are the classes? What kind of interaction did you have with the faculty? Did you feel the grading was fair? Were you able to put your degree to use, and where? Any communication problems? Any other problems? Did your credits transfer?
What other online programs would you recommend for Catholic theology degrees?
Pax Christi!

Following this thread; also interested.

God bless.
I’m currently doing the MA in Theology at the Catholic Distance University. There course materials for the MA are very good, so I’d assume, as a lot of the lecturers/professors teach both BA and MA courses that the course materials for the BA would also be very good. The lecturers/professors are generally very helpful and approachable. The grading has always seemed fair to me. My experience has been good with CDU, so I would recommend them.
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