Stick with the Catechism of JP II for information at present.
The Catholic Faith is an open book! Nothing hidden, nothing really needs filtering, the Catechism isn’t the work of just one person, but bishops and theologians from all over the world, and all of the Faith traditions that make up the church.
If you should have more questions than the Cathechism can clearly answer, it might be time to get to know a priest or two and develop some conversations.
If you get book-bound and bury yourself in reading some of these things (like Ludvig Ott’s book) it will be more like taking a law class than becoming a Catholic Christian. You could easily lose the spirit of Catholicism that is calling to you.
One book I have been reading recently (it is very good) is
the CREED by Berard Marthaler, very nicely written with explanations that aren’t repetitions of steel-wool pronouncements. It really explains the Faith and the people of the Faith, is fair to the various traditions and never goes over a layperson’s head.
ISBN 0-89622-537-2
But start with the Catechism, in my opinion if you actually read most of it, you will have more fresh knowledge of the Faith than a lot of the people posting here!
including me.
After you learn more, you may wish to develop your prayer life further, thare are a lot of ways to do that (more than you could possibly imagine). Take your time.
Good luck and God bless you as you discern your place in God’s Kingdom!