I am a convert to the Catholic faith a faithful follower of Christ in His Church. I have a question. I am a retired elementary teacher. (only one year from having been full time for 30 years!) and my grandson who has some asperger symptoms and ADHD diagnosis yet is not welcome in a Catholic educational system…I totally realize that dealing with these “special needs” students cost more in education and they work in a restricted budget BUT…oh my, how this seems not right to me in that my understanding of my Catholic faith should of all school systems accomodate and accept and want to help the “poor” of this world , needy children in need of something better than what the public schools offer…yet after discussing this with our local Catholic schools it was clear to me that my grandson was not welcome within the Catholic education system in our locality…such a shame as these our neediest children are left to the public school although children of Christian families…and although I know there are such good public school teachers (I was a public teacher loving teaching my students!) still…it isn’t the most ideal situation for some special needs students with strong Christian values today in our society. So very sad that Catholic Schools will not accept the poor and most needy of our society today… to me this seems a lack of Christian Charity and a lack of meeting the most needly for which I am most sure our Lord would desire…something is wrong in our Catholic schools in the area i live in…so sad…
Please pray with me that we open our doors of education to all!! To be the strongest witness in serving these the youngest, most vulnerable and left to themselves and to the cross bearing of many parents who struggle to provide a good Christian education to their children. Let us reevaluation WHY we educate as faithful Catholic Christians and open our doors to those truely in need with His love! Think and if you can help…please help those like my grandson by advocating this need!
My prayers for Catholic education and those held to this responsiblility.

My prayers for Catholic education and those held to this responsiblility.