Catholic Evangelicalism and Adventism

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A while ago I started a thread where I could compile resources on Seventh-Day Adventism from a Catholic perspective. I found a number of great resources with the help of fellow posters. There are also a lot of great articles posted in the CAF library posted on this link.

Over time, I have seen how their claims are easily refuted and that Adventists often use circular logic or take things out of context. But they spend a lot of time and resources spreading anti-Catholic lies.

From the Catholic evangelical standpoint, I understand how the “best offense is a good defense.” I have found excellent materials to refute their arguments. But I noticed there don`t seem to be any consolidated Catholic apologetic materials geared toward Adventists, with the exception of online materials. I have found one good book on the subject, cited on the thread posted above. But I wish I could find a book that was better written with tight and concise language.

I really like the San Juan Catholic Seminars series by Father Grank Chacon and Jim Burnham and have written to them to request they write one on Adventism. There are so many wonderful authors here at CAF, I hope one of them will eventually write one. The best book would likely come from a former Adventist, or a person who has Adventist family.

If someone knows of resources or books that I have overlooked on the thread posted above, please let me know.

Just to be clear, the purpose of my thread is to discuss Catholic Evangelical resources (and efforts) that are most appropriate when conversing with Adventists. The purpose of this thread is NOT to compare and contrast Catholic and Adventist beliefs. Please do that on a separate thread.) Given the purpose of my thread, I am requesting that only practicing Catholics respond.

If you know if good resources that are not mentioned on the thread below, please let me know. Plus, if you know of Catholic evangelical efforts/groups/organizations whose mission is to engage Adventists, please let me know. I would like to support such organizations. (I know CAF is one such organization but I wonder if there are others).


I don’t have any resources to recommend off hand, although I wish that I did. My parents are in the SDA church, and my dad’s hatred of the Catholic church knows no bounds. He has given me lots of literature about why the Catholic church is the whore of Babylon, etc etc etc etc etc. I would LOVE to have resources like you have described to help me be prepared to talk with him.

I am a very newly confirmed Catholic, he has been a SDA for many years, and I do not feel comfortable YET meeting all of comments when I am face to face. That is one of the reasons I have joined this forum, to assist me in learning more about the details of our faith. I am so glad you started this thread, even if I am not able to help you in the way you requested.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. And more importantly, Welcome to the Catholic Church! I know it must have been a difficult journey given that your parents our SDA. You must be very courageous. I am very happy for you! As a cradle Catholic who had a strong reversion, I can say that each day my love for the Church grows as the Church. Every day I learn something new about our wonderful Catholic faith, and the Church has helped me grow so much closer to God through the sacraments. Congratulations and Welcome Home!!

I definitely recommend reading An Adventist and a Catholic by Paul Eirene if you haven`t already. It is well-worth ordering and costs less than ten dollars. I recommend ordering several, so you will have them on hand to share. The book can be ordered from:

Ave Maria Press
P.O. Box 489, Sation U
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M8Z 5Y8

416-251-4245 or 1-800-663-Mary
Fax 416-253-0480

The ISBN number is 0-9684895-6-7

This is one of those books that goes a long way in explaining our beliefs to our Adventist family and friends. Another useful book is a Biblical Defense of Catholicism. These books are helpful because we can give it to people to “read in advance” so we don`t have to start at square one each time. I always hope our Adventist brothers and sisters will learn to understand why we believe what we believe, even if they choose to dissent.

There are many former Adventists who are now Catholic here at CAF. If you ever need support, or a friendly ear, this is the perfect place to come. I expect that several of these CAF members will one day write the book we are both waiting for. (You know who you are!!)

I pray daily for the conversion of our Adventist brothers and sisters and will keep your parents in my prayers.


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