A while ago I started a thread where I could compile resources on Seventh-Day Adventism from a Catholic perspective. I found a number of great resources with the help of fellow posters. There are also a lot of great articles posted in the CAF library posted on this link.
Over time, I have seen how their claims are easily refuted and that Adventists often use circular logic or take things out of context. But they spend a lot of time and resources spreading anti-Catholic lies.
From the Catholic evangelical standpoint, I understand how the “best offense is a good defense.” I have found excellent materials to refute their arguments. But I noticed there don`t seem to be any consolidated Catholic apologetic materials geared toward Adventists, with the exception of online materials. I have found one good book on the subject, cited on the thread posted above. But I wish I could find a book that was better written with tight and concise language.
I really like the San Juan Catholic Seminars series by Father Grank Chacon and Jim Burnham and have written to them to request they write one on Adventism. There are so many wonderful authors here at CAF, I hope one of them will eventually write one. The best book would likely come from a former Adventist, or a person who has Adventist family.
If someone knows of resources or books that I have overlooked on the thread posted above, please let me know.
Just to be clear, the purpose of my thread is to discuss Catholic Evangelical resources (and efforts) that are most appropriate when conversing with Adventists. The purpose of this thread is NOT to compare and contrast Catholic and Adventist beliefs. Please do that on a separate thread.) Given the purpose of my thread, I am requesting that only practicing Catholics respond.
If you know if good resources that are not mentioned on the thread below, please let me know. Plus, if you know of Catholic evangelical efforts/groups/organizations whose mission is to engage Adventists, please let me know. I would like to support such organizations. (I know CAF is one such organization but I wonder if there are others).
Over time, I have seen how their claims are easily refuted and that Adventists often use circular logic or take things out of context. But they spend a lot of time and resources spreading anti-Catholic lies.
From the Catholic evangelical standpoint, I understand how the “best offense is a good defense.” I have found excellent materials to refute their arguments. But I noticed there don`t seem to be any consolidated Catholic apologetic materials geared toward Adventists, with the exception of online materials. I have found one good book on the subject, cited on the thread posted above. But I wish I could find a book that was better written with tight and concise language.
I really like the San Juan Catholic Seminars series by Father Grank Chacon and Jim Burnham and have written to them to request they write one on Adventism. There are so many wonderful authors here at CAF, I hope one of them will eventually write one. The best book would likely come from a former Adventist, or a person who has Adventist family.
If someone knows of resources or books that I have overlooked on the thread posted above, please let me know.
Just to be clear, the purpose of my thread is to discuss Catholic Evangelical resources (and efforts) that are most appropriate when conversing with Adventists. The purpose of this thread is NOT to compare and contrast Catholic and Adventist beliefs. Please do that on a separate thread.) Given the purpose of my thread, I am requesting that only practicing Catholics respond.
If you know if good resources that are not mentioned on the thread below, please let me know. Plus, if you know of Catholic evangelical efforts/groups/organizations whose mission is to engage Adventists, please let me know. I would like to support such organizations. (I know CAF is one such organization but I wonder if there are others).