Thank you for your kind invitation. By a series of life events I wa grounded, confirmed in my Christian Catholic Faith. In the truth that "Jesus is my Lord, and Saviour, that I was really an “unprofitable servant”, that I can do nothing to promote His Kingdom without Him. That Jesus can operate through my mistakes, and I must not be afraid to make them, as long as I am sincere with myself and God. It is a painful discovery, but a much needed humbling one.Jesus always works it out for me. Love for God and my best efforts to love my neighbor has to be my motive, it isn’t always easy. Jesus taught me that I took my faith for granted and I demanded from others what they could not give. This was so true when I witnessed so many immoral events that people committed. I became judgemental, I was so blind. Jesus showed me through my life events that I was self-righteous. (the sin of good people). He showed me by the enlightenment of grace that deep within me was a deep seated pride,an effect of original sin. I can understand why St.Paul said “I walk in fear and trembling…” What other Creatures of the Id lurch within my soul, dear God!! This fault comes by many names, the moth that consumes, wood worm, vain glory, and self-righteous. This fault can erode the dam that the Little Dutch boy tried to stop with his finger. This fault has crucified humanity, ask St.Steven. It has split churches, caused war, and destroyed the lives of people. To do Gods’ work one has to be purged of anything that would interfere with matters of grace and faith. Jesus once He cleared my blindness, showed me who, and what I was fighting, and it wasn,t flesh and blood…but powers and principalities…and Jesus dramatized it for me. I was a crusader for my faith, but a misled one. I suffered for it, but I also learned from it. I had to learn discernment between good spirits and evil ones. I had to learn,and still learning how to follow the Holy Spirit and not my own. I learned that leadership is sometimes from the back-row and not necessarily from the front row. learned there is a time and place to step out in faith. I’m still learning, and it takes a lot of courage to do so, knowing my own limitations and weaknesses. I pray, and take advantage of all the resources of grace I can get, especially Holy Communion I know that I can dispose one to receive Christ, but it is He who converts. I am aware of my priestly, kingly, and prophetical powers that Jesus gave me when I was baptised. I know of my apostlate, I have been one for years. I know my heritage as an adopted child of God. I am alo aware of the same heritage in my brothers in faith. I try to make them aware of it, when the occassion presents itself. How do I evangelize I will quote several Popes and St. Paul…
Pope John Paul II: The personal encounter with Christ is the ultimate influence for social and econoomic behavior."
Pope PaulVI: The encounter will not take place unless the Gospel is proclaimed by witness. NEVER THE LESS THIS IS ALWAYS INSUFFICIENT BECAUSE THE FINEST WITNESS WILL PROVE INSUFFICIENT IF NOT EXPLAINED AND JUSTIFIED AND MADE EXPLICIT BY CLEAR UNEQUIVOCAL PROCLAMATION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST BY WORD. There is no evangelization if the name, teachings, life, promises, the kingdom and mystery of Jesus, the Son of God is not proclained. I capitalized in order to get the idea across to so many comments that good example is all we can give, the power lies in the Word, Jesus., good example points the way, it does not convert.
St.Paul (Phil:3:7-11) I consider all as loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord." (ICol I;l5-29) He is before all things, He is the beginning, that all things He Himself might be pre-eminent…in Him were created all things, for Him, and through Him…"
I employ what ever talent or charism the Lord gives me in the proclamation of the “Good News.” I try my best to follow the lead of the Spirit, not my own. I do this in my own environment. I once aspired to be a Missionary priest but I discovered our mission is where we find ourselves. Pray always, receive all graces, especially Communion, love God always, and do our best to love our neighbor. If we do this, there is no doubt that we will be effective in giving God what He desires, Souls, but most of all our own. I amazed what God can do with a “cracked vessel of clay” but I am forced to admit it by the convictions of my God-given faith. Sometimes it is a very painful transformation, but God is so good (understatement) There are some “Awesome Moments” that make it worthwhile, and give you courage to run the race, and nothing in this world can compare God bless you for asking.