Catholic evangelism

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I am making an observation that a lot of Catholics seem unconcerned about evangelism. Also they seem to have no real missionary fervor maybe that is just where I live but why? I’m not saying all of them are like this but the ones of I have encountered seem generally apathetic? Is there a reason for this?
I am making an observation that a lot of Catholics seem unconcerned about evangelism. Also they seem to have no real missionary fervor maybe that is just where I live but why? I’m not saying all of them are like this but the ones of I have encountered seem generally apathetic? Is there a reason for this?
We have a long history of missionaries. [Think of Spain] We have missionaries the world over… [Think of mother Theresa] We have soup kitchens, hundreds of different types of ministries for different purposes, we have been at it for a very very long time.

I do know what your getting at though. We don’t tend to stand on street corners, pass out a lot of tracts, knock on doors, worry people who would rather not be bothered. We let our works speak for themselves. Not a very aggressive stance I will admit, but we ask that you live your religion, though we ourselves stray at times. The Church asks us for purity outside of marriage, and to follow the example of Christ. These are not commitments that we should take lightly, though we may debate on things, we do agree on much.

I am glad you are here! You are always welcome in our church!

Pope Francis is addressing Catholic Evangelism even now.
Hi Rock! I agree!!! and it’s very sad! We rightly boast we are the one true Church of Christ and have the backing of all of Heaven! What weak use of God’s great graces!

Yes, as a previous poster said…we’ve done a lot in reality! We blow all the other Christian denominations in numbers, we have soooo many missionary groups out in the world (we invented the idea of “mission” …its where the military got the term!), we’ve impacted society like no other…we invented the modern-day university, and hospital! I could go on and on…

But yes! I agree that when I look at the AVERAGE catholic in the pew (if that’s where I find them…so many don’t regulary attend mass!)… I have to agree that we are quite weak especially in the evangelization area. As a previous poster said…the church is really putting the target sites on this very thing so we’ll see what happens! Lets pray! I see you are protestant but I’m sure you’d agree that we need more Jesus out there regardless of the denomination. I don’t think the faith is REAL in the heart and mind of many American catholics…and if you don’t “have” it…you can’t “give” it.

God bless, and please pray for us your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!

=Rock7;11522239]I am making an observation that a lot of Catholics seem unconcerned about evangelism. Also they seem to have no real missionary fervor maybe that is just where I live but why? I’m not saying all of them are like this but the ones of I have encountered seem generally apathetic? Is there a reason for this?
You’re PARTLY correct.🙂

Catholics have NOT by in large been instructed to evangelize. We’ve been raised to THINK that is what the priest and Nuns do. BUT it’s changing, albeit too slowly.

I have a VERY active internet Ministry with over 100 people taking lessons weekly. [ALL FREE OF COST TOO]

Also as a bad-fruit of Vatican II, catechesis has often been very poor. I’m a TRAINED Marian Catechist; a Lay Apostolate approved by Rome to teach and share our Catholic faith. 🙂

So progress is being made, slowly. IF you have ANY questions I’d be delighted to engage you in dialog.

God Bless you!
I have been a teacher of Christian doctrine. We followed instructional manuals and subjects to teach. Even though I believed in Jesus Christ, I never felt free to speak of Him, about my personal relationship with Him. I always felt it too personal. In my contacts with many young men of my faith, if I mentioned Jesus Christ I would have been thought a religious fanatic. Even the moral life of many was not Christian. So I felt isolated. I even tried philosophizing speaking about creation and the like. I discovered that some catholic institutions were entertaining secular ideas. I became upset and even angry at the things I witnessed. Then through a series of events, God dealt with me. He showed me what was going wrong. He showed me that we were not being Christio-centric. When we are not, then the devil moves in. We spent more time speaking about Gods’ Omnipotence, His omniscience, His infallibiity but not enough about Jesus Christ Himself. We were Sacamentalized, but not evangelized. We didn’t encounter Christ on a personal level. Faith is a gift of grace, and not passed on . The truths of the faith can be. In order to experience the full release of the Holy Spirit we must go th Christ, accept Him, and be endowed with His Spirit. We assumed that when we receive all of the Sacraments, then we were full fledge christians, we were processed, not converted. There is no denying that grace comes with the sacraments, but Jesus must be first and pre-eminent as St. Paul states. It is through Him that we receive the Holy Spirit. When we encounter Him, then the graces are released, we are converted,and what we learned bears fruit. Conversions come at many levels, and continue all our lives, but the acceptance of Jesus Christ is primary. I am Christian first, and Catholic second. There is much to say, but I think I captured the main truths.
=ynotzap;11531542]I have been a teacher of Christian doctrine. We followed instructional manuals and subjects to teach. Even though I believed in Jesus Christ, I never felt free to speak of Him, about my personal relationship with Him. I always felt it too personal. In my contacts with many young men of my faith, if I mentioned Jesus Christ I would have been thought a religious fanatic. Even the moral life of many was not Christian. So I felt isolated. I even tried philosophizing speaking about creation and the like. I discovered that some catholic institutions were entertaining secular ideas. I became upset and even angry at the things I witnessed. Then through a series of events, God dealt with me. He showed me what was going wrong. He showed me that we were not being Christio-centric. When we are not, then the devil moves in. We spent more time speaking about Gods’ Omnipotence, His omniscience, His infallibiity but not enough about Jesus Christ Himself. We were Sacamentalized, but not evangelized. We didn’t encounter Christ on a personal level. Faith is a gift of grace, and not passed on . The truths of the faith can be. In order to experience the full release of the Holy Spirit we must go th Christ, accept Him, and be endowed with His Spirit. We assumed that when we receive all of the Sacraments, then we were full fledge christians, we were processed, not converted. There is no denying that grace comes with the sacraments, but Jesus must be first and pre-eminent as St. Paul states. It is through Him that we receive the Holy Spirit. When we encounter Him, then the graces are released, we are converted,and what we learned bears fruit. Conversions come at many levels, and continue all our lives, but the acceptance of Jesus Christ is primary. I am Christian first, and Catholic second. There is much to say, but I think I captured the main truths.

And thanks for sharing. SO, what are YOU doing these day’s to evangelize?

God’s continued Blessings,
Patrick [PJM]
Thank you for your kind invitation. By a series of life events I wa grounded, confirmed in my Christian Catholic Faith. In the truth that "Jesus is my Lord, and Saviour, that I was really an “unprofitable servant”, that I can do nothing to promote His Kingdom without Him. That Jesus can operate through my mistakes, and I must not be afraid to make them, as long as I am sincere with myself and God. It is a painful discovery, but a much needed humbling one.Jesus always works it out for me. Love for God and my best efforts to love my neighbor has to be my motive, it isn’t always easy. Jesus taught me that I took my faith for granted and I demanded from others what they could not give. This was so true when I witnessed so many immoral events that people committed. I became judgemental, I was so blind. Jesus showed me through my life events that I was self-righteous. (the sin of good people). He showed me by the enlightenment of grace that deep within me was a deep seated pride,an effect of original sin. I can understand why St.Paul said “I walk in fear and trembling…” What other Creatures of the Id lurch within my soul, dear God!! This fault comes by many names, the moth that consumes, wood worm, vain glory, and self-righteous. This fault can erode the dam that the Little Dutch boy tried to stop with his finger. This fault has crucified humanity, ask St.Steven. It has split churches, caused war, and destroyed the lives of people. To do Gods’ work one has to be purged of anything that would interfere with matters of grace and faith. Jesus once He cleared my blindness, showed me who, and what I was fighting, and it wasn,t flesh and blood…but powers and principalities…and Jesus dramatized it for me. I was a crusader for my faith, but a misled one. I suffered for it, but I also learned from it. I had to learn discernment between good spirits and evil ones. I had to learn,and still learning how to follow the Holy Spirit and not my own. I learned that leadership is sometimes from the back-row and not necessarily from the front row. learned there is a time and place to step out in faith. I’m still learning, and it takes a lot of courage to do so, knowing my own limitations and weaknesses. I pray, and take advantage of all the resources of grace I can get, especially Holy Communion I know that I can dispose one to receive Christ, but it is He who converts. I am aware of my priestly, kingly, and prophetical powers that Jesus gave me when I was baptised. I know of my apostlate, I have been one for years. I know my heritage as an adopted child of God. I am alo aware of the same heritage in my brothers in faith. I try to make them aware of it, when the occassion presents itself. How do I evangelize I will quote several Popes and St. Paul…

Pope John Paul II: The personal encounter with Christ is the ultimate influence for social and econoomic behavior."
Pope PaulVI: The encounter will not take place unless the Gospel is proclaimed by witness. NEVER THE LESS THIS IS ALWAYS INSUFFICIENT BECAUSE THE FINEST WITNESS WILL PROVE INSUFFICIENT IF NOT EXPLAINED AND JUSTIFIED AND MADE EXPLICIT BY CLEAR UNEQUIVOCAL PROCLAMATION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST BY WORD. There is no evangelization if the name, teachings, life, promises, the kingdom and mystery of Jesus, the Son of God is not proclained. I capitalized in order to get the idea across to so many comments that good example is all we can give, the power lies in the Word, Jesus., good example points the way, it does not convert.
St.Paul (Phil:3:7-11) I consider all as loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord." (ICol I;l5-29) He is before all things, He is the beginning, that all things He Himself might be pre-eminent…in Him were created all things, for Him, and through Him…"

I employ what ever talent or charism the Lord gives me in the proclamation of the “Good News.” I try my best to follow the lead of the Spirit, not my own. I do this in my own environment. I once aspired to be a Missionary priest but I discovered our mission is where we find ourselves. Pray always, receive all graces, especially Communion, love God always, and do our best to love our neighbor. If we do this, there is no doubt that we will be effective in giving God what He desires, Souls, but most of all our own. I amazed what God can do with a “cracked vessel of clay” but I am forced to admit it by the convictions of my God-given faith. Sometimes it is a very painful transformation, but God is so good (understatement) There are some “Awesome Moments” that make it worthwhile, and give you courage to run the race, and nothing in this world can compare God bless you for asking.👍
I am making an observation that a lot of Catholics seem unconcerned about evangelism. Also they seem to have no real missionary fervor maybe that is just where I live but why? I’m not saying all of them are like this but the ones of I have encountered seem generally apathetic? Is there a reason for this?
Jesus told the story of the good shepherd and about the lamb who strayed from the flock. The shepherd went after the lost sheep and when he found it put it up on his shoulders and carried it back to the flock.

Which means to me that we have more work to do amongst our own flock than with anyone else’s flock. That is, we should bring our own back to the fold as Jesus instructed us by giving us this example of going after our own strays.

It also seems to me that the most effective way to bring them back is thru prayer because God is the one who can change their attitude and help open their eyes.
And our prayers become more effect with God the closer we are to him and the more we love him. So evangelization begins by scrubbing ourselves up first. This is much harder than just talking, which anyone can do and in many cases without much effect.

And if anyone else is sincere about knowing more, than there are ways to pursue that too.

May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.
=fred conty;11553390]Jesus told the story of the good shepherd and about the lamb who strayed from the flock. The shepherd went after the lost sheep and when he found it put it up on his shoulders and carried it back to the flock.
Which means to me that we have more work to do amongst our own flock than with anyone else’s flock. That is, we should bring our own back to the fold as Jesus instructed us by giving us this example of going after our own strays.
It also seems to me that the most effective way to bring them back is thru prayer because God is the one who can change their attitude and help open their eyes.
And our prayers become more effect with God the closer we are to him and the more we love him. So evangelization begins by scrubbing ourselves up first. This is much harder than just talking, which anyone can do and in many cases without much effect.
And if anyone else is sincere about knowing more, than there are ways to pursue that too.
May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.

Let US pray:signofcross:
…BUT it’s changing, albeit too slowly.
…So progress is being made, slowly.
Agreed. 👍
I think the so-called New Atheist movement has helped to reinvigorate Christian evangelism and apologetics.

Bishop Christopher Prowse Catholic Bishop of Sale. (Now Archbishop of Canberra)
Evangelisation In Challenging Times
*The first area of priority pertains to the transmission of our Catholic faith in challenging times. Behind so many collated responses (published in Catholic Life, July 2011, December 2011) were pastoral suggestions based on stimulating a fresh outpouring of missionary zeal in the diocese. *
A great letter if you have time to read it. And the message about about the importance of growing evangelism gets listened to more closely when it is accompanied by “how to” advice from our parish leaders about the method and suggested theme. Note Bishop Prowse offering the great suggestion to use The Family as a Christian evangelical “door opener”.

Home. Bethlehem. Nazareth. Family.

In an age of increasing dysfunction and breakdown of the family, an age in which people long for the love and stability which family used to provide, we should use home and The Family more often as a starting point for evangelism to help underpin The Gospel’s transcendent message.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
=Lion IRC;11555356]Agreed. 👍
I think the so-called New Atheist movement has helped to reinvigorate Christian evangelism and apologetics.
Bishop Christopher Prowse Catholic Bishop of Sale. (Now Archbishop of Canberra)
A great letter if you have time to read it. And the message about about the importance of growing evangelism gets listened to more closely when it is accompanied by “how to” advice from our parish leaders about the method and suggested theme. Note Bishop Prowse offering the great suggestion to use The Family as a Christian evangelical “door opener”.
Home. Bethlehem. Nazareth. Family.
In an age of increasing dysfunction and breakdown of the family, an age in which people long for the love and stability which family used to provide, we should use home and The Family more often as a starting point for evangelism to help underpin The Gospel’s transcendent message.
THANKS, God Bless you,
I’m concerned about this matter, too. I note:

(a) Catholics don’t have an immediate financial interest in filling the pews of the local church;

(b) “that’s Father’s job to do”

(c) “the Church is Eternal and in the end, it’s where everyone will be”

(d) “how do I do it”, i.e., no experience or tradition, no guidance from experienced folk around the parish.
I’m concerned about this matter, too. I note:

(a) Catholics don’t have an immediate financial interest in filling the pews of the local church;

(b) “that’s Father’s job to do”

(c) “the Church is Eternal and in the end, it’s where everyone will be”

(d) “how do I do it”, i.e., no experience or tradition, no guidance from experienced folk around the parish.
Fortunately for point a) I have started to contribute at my local parish, by God’s grace I somehow manage to find a dollar in change every week and instead of having it lie around I put it in the basket.
I’m concerned about this matter, too. I note:

(a) Catholics don’t have an immediate financial interest in filling the pews of the local church;

(b) “that’s Father’s job to do”

(c) “the Church is Eternal and in the end, it’s where everyone will be”

(d) “how do I do it”, i.e., no experience or tradition, no guidance from experienced folk around the parish.
The population has grown and a priest can not serve all the people adequately. The church has taught that when we were baptized we were given a share in the priesthood, in Christs kingly, prophetical and priestly powers. Sacred scripture teaches that we are a "Priestly People " sanctified by God. We are by Baptism, lay Apostles. We have a divine heritage. This truth I am afraid is not fully realized by many in the Church. We can be Gods’ mouth piece, prophet. Any one who promotes Christ and His teaching is a prophet. We can by Love help to bring healing and assistance to our neighbor in need. By the use of our God given powers of Faith relieve our neighbor of Satans influence. We can like any priest offer adoration, praise, and petition to God. We can share in the life of Jesus, in His glory and well as His sufferings. How many Christians believe this. Those that do fill the pews. Leaders may not acknowledge the priesthood of the people. And the people may not acknowledge it in themselves also. Some do by the grace of God. But everyone should. If they did you would see quit a difference. We can’t consecrate, we can’t obsolve sin, but we can listen to a persons spiritual problems and advise. We can do a lot of priestly things, and we should. We have many Charisms for our use in spreading Gods’ kingdom, building His Church, but how many understand this? There is the Movement of the Holy Spirit affecting many lay people to join the priest in his ministry, and tjhe priest must acknowledge this, and encourage it. It was meant to be.👍
I am making an observation that a lot of Catholics seem unconcerned about evangelism. Also they seem to have no real missionary fervor maybe that is just where I live but why? I’m not saying all of them are like this but the ones of I have encountered seem generally apathetic? Is there a reason for this?
I agree, but here’s a similar observation. In my almost 45 years of life, I’ve met thousands of people. How many asked me to their church or told me about their faith, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim? Other than my own grandfather who taught Sunday School at his Presbyterian church, immediate family members, and those that knocked on my door? Less than 10.

On one hand, I am glad to say that I shared the Lord and the Catholic Faith with a couple dozen or so strangers this past year verbally, including point blank asking someone I had just met to consider becoming Catholic based on his recent journey (my bookstore evangelization visit). By wearing my crucifix necklace, I hope that it might have caught someone’s eye and made them think; in fact, I know of at least once that it did! By sharing my blog with strangers, friends and family, I hope I have reached a few more. Even by mentioning things such as stopping by the Chapel or attending Mass during the course of conversation, I hope I reached more. (I don’t pointedly mention it, but if someone asks what I did that day, if it includes something related to my faith life, I mention it without even thinking.)

On the other hand, have I asked my neighbors, or non-practicing family members to talk about God? Have I been a good witness, a good example of a Catholic? I must strive to do better, at all times.
I am making an observation that a lot of Catholics seem unconcerned about evangelism. Also they seem to have no real missionary fervor maybe that is just where I live but why? I’m not saying all of them are like this but the ones of I have encountered seem generally apathetic? Is there a reason for this?
I agree with what the other people have said that Catholics live out what the church preaches but we may not be as up front or obvious about it like people staying on street corners or knocking on doors to get our message out. A book I finished over the summer which I highly recommend to Catholics or non Catholics is Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly. He talks a lot about your concerns and what the Catholic church needs to do to spread our message about Christ.
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