I was an exchange student with AFS - American Field Services. I left at 16!! and spent a year in Italy. My mom was so sad and scared to send her baby off, but my dad knew I would be ok:thumbsup: I had to raise the money and did so the summer before–I think it was about $1500 (that was over 10 years ago) When you applied, you could ask for requested first second and third countries. And then you could ask to be placed with a Catholic family, non-smoking, pets yes/no, kids, ages, boys/girls…everything. It was a WONDERFUL!!! experience. I left Italy fluent in Italian and with an appreciation for the culture and a new understanding of the world. Let her GO!!! I can not stress how life changing this experience was for me. I was called to do it. Just one day at 15, I thought hmmmm, I think I want to do that–mentioned it to my parents thinking they would say NO WAY! but they said to get more info…the rest is history.