Catholic Facebook Groups? (that are not extreme?)

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Does anyone know of any Catholic facebook groups that are
  • not full of political stuff about elections/ COVID theories / etc
  • not focused on criticizing the Holy Father or bemoaning the current state of the Church
  • not focused on “traditional Catholicism”
  • not constantly posting unapproved revelations about the End Times from sites like Countdown to the Kingdom and Spirit Daily
In short - are there any Catholic Facebook groups that are just ordinary Catholic groups where a broad range of Catholics can chat?

Several of the groups I’ve been in have taken some definite turns towards the extreme over the last few months, which doesn’t make me very comfortable about interacting with folks there.

It would be nice to have places to interact with just regular Catholics on Facebook. We do this in some of the threads on here also, but social interaction isn’t the main focus of this forum and it can be stressful to try to engage in it here for various reasons.
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Sorry, I don’t have anything constructive. I tried quite a few groups whilst on Facebook, and I eventually came to the conclusion that it, and Twitter and similar platforms, are simply designed to be as toxic as possible, thereby making even the most mild-mannered users into fanatics (no offense to you). Facebook led me personally into doing and saying some terrible things, so I considered it mercy, not penance, to say goodbye forever.
It does seem to contain a lot of “airing of grievances”.

Also, because it’s an apologetics forum, it’s geared for people to ask questions and share views of other religions, and some people do this in an abrasive or disruptive way. Not very relaxing at times.
I can’t think of any. I wish I could. FB itself is becoming more toxic daily. And while there are some good blogs out there, they often seem to attract elements that get extreme and that in turn tends to ‘rub off’ and ‘turn’ the original blog’s direction as well.

Maybe this is something we can pray for, that a group can rise up and ‘rise above’. Maybe the pendulum is going to finally start swinging back from the extremes. Maybe.
If anyone finds something please share. I would be interested as well.
May I ask a provocative question? Are there any in-person opportunities available to you? Or at least something Zoom-ish and COVID-friendly? I’m thinking along the lines of something at your parish like adult ed or small faith groups.

I’m coming to question whether the Internet itself if conducive to what you’re seeking. I don’t think a lot of people on CAF would address me as they do if we were sitting face to face with cups of coffee.
You’re exactly right (make mine tea, please). I know I myself often get really ‘tetchy’ when I can’t see and hear expressions or tone of voice, and I’m sure others feel the same about me. That’s really a good idea, about Zoom or Messenger or something.
I appreciate that you and some other people think some sort of face-to-face adds to the party, but I am right now looking for something on Facebook, specifically.

I am very comfortable with virtual chat. Been doing it since 1997. If someone wants to start their own Zoom group so everyone can look at each other and talk via voice, that’s okay too, but I probably wouldn’t do that. For one thing, it requires a real-time commitment rather than just popping in and out between other tasks.
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Or at least something Zoom-ish
Zoom has had so many security issues… I’ve sat through a few Zoom meetings and it’s like herding cats.
I’m thinking along the lines of something at your parish like adult ed or small faith groups.
As far as I know, those don’t exist in my area. It’s pretty bleak for young adults.

Thankfully my running group still meets. However, they’re not exclusively Catholic.
I don’t think a lot of people on CAF would address me as they do if we were sitting face to face with cups of coffee.
Yes, no, maybe so… I don’t think Zoom will make a big difference. Unfortunately, I don’t see people gathering in person anytime soon. Well, unless you’re crazy like me and enjoy running in 36F weather :crazy_face:
Zoom has had so many security issues… I’ve sat through a few Zoom meetings and it’s like herding cats.
Yeah, the Archdiocesan Rosary uses it and at one point had trolls breaking into the chat to post Hail Satan type stuff. Also it has a ton of technology issues. I’ve been on a lot of Zoom meetings where somebody’s Zoom hangs up or we can’t hear them or various other things go wrong. We use other platforms for our work meetings because of these issues with Zoom.
Lots of church services in FB.

I do not get into the so-called extremists.

Carmelite Sisters of Los Angeles.

And the Divine Mercy shrine run by the Marian Priests.

Fatima shrine in NJ connected to the Blue Army/Fatima Apostolate

And many more, I will leave it at this but the Carmelite Sisters services are very lovely. I have looked up some of their songs on youtube, not as traditional. They are surely, a truly cloistered order.

And the St Rita prayer group is huge with followers the worldover, Africa, Phillipines and so on. That facebook page is hopping all of the time. Prayer requests, some services from Africa in this day of COVID, social distancing, yes.
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Thanks, but I’m asking about social groups, not groups for church services. I did enjoy the church pages while we were on lockdown, but churches here have been open for a long time and I attend them in person.

By “social group” I mean a place to chat and be friendly without getting into apologetics debates or political arguments, etc. Church and shrine pages are mostly for prayer, not for asking your friend Charley how his dog is doing, etc.
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I am not that familiar with

St Paul street evangelization,

They are Catholic and like other groups a bit like I have seen and may be out of Philadelphia.

I believe I searched the forum for them and I found little. I wanted to even do a thread on them but I don’t know enough about them.

They do do a Divine Mercy Chaplet daily.

St Jude shrine is another facebook group I am in.

There are many.
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I have a MeWe (The Catholic groups seem too into Taylor Marshall) and a Parler (still haven’t found any Holocaust deniers on it, no matter what Bill Gates says, but, there are A LOT of people there that basically tell you to disobey your Bishop), that being said, I’m never going back to Facebook. I’ll deal with the crazies the same way I did before Twitter and Facebook started censoring everything. If I gets bad enough, I will block them. I have that ability.
Unfortunately, most of the people I know going to Parler are the folks whose posts I’m trying to get away from on FB. Political and COVID posters.
Most of the general purpose ones I left long before Covid due to politics and polarizing topics becoming the main topics. The ones that are more insulated from that shift are my more targeted groups - Catholic working moms, Catholic gamer geeks, Catholic literary geeks, etc. I did join a more general Catholic mom group recently but am ready to jump ship as soon as things get stuck in the polarizing topics.
Maybe we should start one. I temporarily disabled my FB because I school is leaving very little time for other stuff, but so far I haven’t found this virtual unicorn.
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