I always loved setting up the Nativity scene at Christmas. I also had an Advent calendar every year where you could open a little door on the calendar to count down to Christmas, and the last door on the 24th was Baby Jesus in the manger. Some families did a version of this called “Jesse trees” where you had a tree and every day counting down to Christmas you would add an ornament of one of the Old Testament patriarchs, in order, counting down to Jesus. You started with Adam, Noah, Abraham and so on. You can Google to see examples of them.
May was Mary’s month so we would take special flowers to Mary that month. On Mary’s birthday which was in September, we would have a little birthday party for her. It was a kids’ tea party with cookies and fruit drink (and I might have even had real tea with lots of milk) and the Mary statue as the “guest of honor”, everyone singing happy birthday, my dolls were the other “guests”, etc.
Another thing I remember was when my mother had to make lunch but was out of sandwich bread, which happened from time to time, she would cut up some baloney and cheese and put it on a plate with some fruit and tell me “This is what the Pope has for lunch, so you are eating just like the Pope” and I would picture Pope Paul VI in the Vatican in his white outfit, eating little cubes of baloney and cheese with some apples and grapes.
If you go to
CatholicCulture.org and go to the part called “Liturgical Calendar” and look at the daily entries, each day they talk about the saint honored on that day (both current calendar, and traditional/ historic calendars) and they have a section for “Activities” that suggests things you can do with your kids to honor that saint. Also they have a section for “Recipes” that has some food or dessert associated with that saint. So you can make your own traditions. I even do some of them myself now that I have no kids, for example it suggested you eat traditional Kerala Indian food on the feast of St. Sebastian since he is a big patron saint there, so I went out and had some.