Catholic faux pas

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I had our parish priest bless a Crucifix for our home. The Crucifix was actually part of a very old “Sick Call Kit” given to me by my elderly aunt. When he was done blessing the Crucifix I related a childhood story pertaining to the “Sick Call Kit.” When I was 4 and my brother was 6 we found it in our home and played with it. We drank the Holy Water and rubbed the Holy Oil on our arms and legs. I really offended the priest with this story. I feel pretty bad about this. Is there a book out there I can read so I don’t make such a Catholic faux pas again. I am still not sure what was so offensive about the story. I obviously need some direction when it comes to what and what not to say to a priest. Thanks everyone!
I don’t think you did anything wrong. Maybe if you had done the same thing with the “sick call kit” in front of him as you did when you were 4…😃

All priests are human beings, this one in particular must not have been blessed with a sense of humor.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it. But if you want to be sure, try posting your question on the AAA forum.

You were four years old, under the age of reason. I wonder what exactly he was offended about. Did he say anything to you?
Yes, he said, " I could have gone the rest of the day without hearing about this." Maybe it was because we were in the church when I told the story…? At any rate, I didn’t imagine that he was uncomfortable with the content of the story.
The silly things kids do! Seems like something he could have gotten a chuckle out of. Or perhaps he has a dry sense of humor and was razzing you back.

Yes, he said, " I could have gone the rest of the day without hearing about this." Maybe it was because we were in the church when I told the story…? At any rate, I didn’t imagine that he was uncomfortable with the content of the story.
My sinister self kicks in as the priest tries to use a cliche to mask saying what he finds wrong. Is it that you would dare relate the story to him, or that you smiled during it? Does he think the materials should have been kept away from the children? Does he think the Holy Water could have been used to quench thirst of the starving in some desert, or the oil been sold at market?

I’d be tempted to answer, “yes, you could but thanks to us you didn’t have to suffer from boredom in that way.” Only if I knew the priest to have a good sense of humor and said it “tongue-in-cheek” would I actually dare saying it, though.

I agree maybe this guy needs to lighten up a bit. Next time you greet him before Mass, maybe pat him on the back and leave a “don’t smile because I don’t” sign on his back.

Gosh, I’ve heard priests really joking it up telling some of the stories they’ve seen. Maybe it’s just that he doesn’t like you personally. :eek: :confused:

As far as getting a book, I think you need one that shows not so much how to get along with this priest, but how to avoid being like him and develop your own sense of humor. I highly recommend “The Last Catholic in America” by John R. Powers. It is a light hearted, but deadly accurate, view of What It Was Like to go through Catholic elementary school when it was still staffed by nuns.

When you get done with that, you might want to read his book “Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?” which tells of his experience going through high school. Nuns were always giving the boys credit for crimes they never would have thought of on their own, hence the book title.

I haven’t read these books for maybe 25 years so I think I’m due to read them again.

The silly things kids do! Seems like something he could have gotten a chuckle out of. Or perhaps he has a dry sense of humor and was razzing you back.

I thought of that, too, but didn’t think to post it when it came to typing. Thanks for bringing it up since I didn’t. :whacky:

I guess I just tend to think the worst. :rolleyes:

Dear friend

You were there and you saw the Priests face, you know whether he was offended by what you said.

In any case, I think, like Alan has said, that this Priest has had a sense of humour labotomy! You were a four year old child, my daughter is four years old and she could well do what you did. She sticks her fingers in the bird bath and blesses all of her dolls and teddies.

When my brother and I were kids we used to play Mass with crisps and pop. It’s the kind of thing kids do.

I’d take no notice of this incident at all. The Priest sounds like he is a little grumpy and could do with seeing the funnier side of life! Anyway, be very kind to him, he may have stresses and strains causing him to be this way.

Don’t bother buying a book. Instead read your Sacred Scripture.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

As usual, springbreeze comes through with great advice. 👍
Thanks Everyone! I was thinking about going back and apologizing to him but I wasn’t sure what I would have been apologizing for. Now I don’t have to!
In the interest of Charity, you might want to consider an apology, telling him simply that you noticed he appeared to be offended and apologize for insulting his sensibilities and assure him that you meant no offense. Children are silly little things, and once upon a time you were such a child. This particular crucifix and the kit from which it came includes this memory and you mistakenly thought he might get a chuckle out of it. Please excuse the offense.

Although, as I read what I’ve written, it comes off defensive and perhaps compounds the problem. I think you’ve chosen the better course.

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