Catholic fellowship

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IF we are a holy family of God, then why is fellowship so horrible in catholic churches. Why aren’t there as many groups, radio, television channels, musicians for the Catholic church.

I love the church and have been back for a while and feel lonely. Like there is hardly anyone around that wants to be a real catholic and once mass is over everyone runs to their cars, screeches out of the parking lot and goes back to their other life.
IF we are a holy family of God, then why is fellowship so horrible in catholic churches. Why aren’t there as many groups, radio, television channels, musicians for the Catholic church.

I love the church and have been back for a while and feel lonely. Like there is hardly anyone around that wants to be a real catholic and once mass is over everyone runs to their cars, screeches out of the parking lot and goes back to their other life.
We are here for you. There is also a Catholic Ministry called Couples for Christ which is a community of believers who takes care of and fellowships with each other. Check out: and PM or e-mail me for more information.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE…we are here.
We are here for you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE…we are here.
Couldn’t have said it better! I felt like that too until I found my Catholic Answers friends. The folks here are a good sounding board and awesome for support. Sometimes a thick skin is required, but many of us Catholics have been already conditioned with soft hearts and thick skins. 🙂

Glad to have you here.
Sir Knight:
The Knights of Columbus is open to all Catholic adult males. It also has a women’s uxiliary for the females and a squires program for the children.
Hey Sir Knight - I had no idea it had a woman’s auxiliary. Do tell? I am not married. Is that OK? I am ignorant - please forgive me.
My parish is very social, and very catholic flavored. 😉

Santero75… make sure you are not being too introverted. It may be that YOU have to take the initiative, START fellowships, friendships, etc… Every catholic loves a good party. Host the coffee/donut hour, organize a parish dinner, bible study, or volunteer group.
Sometimes there are people waiting around for someone else to take the lead. YOU could be that person. 🙂
Hey Sir Knight - I had no idea it had a woman’s auxiliary. Do tell? I am not married. Is that OK? I am ignorant - please forgive me.
Each local council has different guidelines on how their woman’s auxiliary program is operated. You need to contact your local council for information.
sigh… i nkow what you mean… sometimes i feel like i should just miss mass all together… i fell so lonely sometimes… maybe its because i’vehad some bad experience with people from my church… i know we attend mas to celebrate jesus, but it hurts when nobody gives you the sign of peace, when your smile is not return…
however, i hve no problems attending mass in another church… so again… i could just be me… please pray…
having radio and tv stations would not increase fellowship, it would promote people doing their own thing, rather than interacting with real live people.

the reason Catholic churches clear out so fast after Mass is parking - you have to empty the parking lot in time for the next Mass. In parishes with ample parking, you will find the grand old Catholic tradition of coffee and donuts, and all fellowship you could ask for.

also, look for an old line parish that still has bingo. You won’t find fellowship among the players, they are cut-throat gamblers, chain smokers and usually not parishioners – but the bingo workers and kitchen workers have a great sense of community going.
sigh… i nkow what you mean… sometimes i feel like i should just miss mass all together… i fell so lonely sometimes… maybe its because i’vehad some bad experience with people from my church… i know we attend mas to celebrate jesus, but it hurts when nobody gives you the sign of peace, when your smile is not return…
however, i hve no problems attending mass in another church… so again… i could just be me… please pray…
Hey quixotic,
Welcome aboard this forum. Glad to have you! I’d smile and shake your hand if I could. 🙂
I will pray the Holy Spirit give you a grand dose of peace and sense of community this year. And for Santaro75 too.
For now, God has blessed us with a supportive and wonderful cyber community.
Hey quixotic,
Welcome aboard this forum. Glad to have you! I’d smile and shake your hand if I could. 🙂
I will pray the Holy Spirit give you a grand dose of peace and sense of community this year. And for Santaro75 too.
For now, God has blessed us with a supportive and wonderful cyber community.
thank you so much… 🙂
I definitely feel for you and know what you’re going through. I was blessed to attend a wonderful, orthodox Catholic college where there was no lack of programs, studies, speakers, and fellowship to help us grow in community and our walk with Christ. After graduating two years ago and being in the “real world” I must admit it has been a culture shock. I know very few people at our parish and it’s so large it’s rare for me to see them at the Mass we attend. I felt very lonely and that there was a definite lack of community and shared discipleship so common in the Gospels and in the church. Have you looked at your diocese website? Or called one of the offices there, such as adult formation, family life, spirituality, etc? Our diocesan site has a wealth of programs and retreats listed that gave me a good start. Also, I attended a couple other churches in the area on weekends and at one was approached by some young adults who were looking to see if I had an interest in their young adult program. Since these types of programs are rare, they took people from all over the area and not just their own parish. It’s turned out to be a lifesaver for me. And looking at other church’s bulletins may tell you about their programs you might be interested in attending. Also, seek out the more “national” organizations such as Couples for Christ, Girlfriends Ulimited, Opus Dei, etc. etc. Retreats are a great way to get to know people and grow spiritually as well (again, your parish or diocesan office will have info on these.) And one more thing - you might consider that God is calling you to serve in a program your parish offers such as bringing the Eucharist to the sick, Bible study, or youth ministry. Though you’re going in it to help others, chances are you will receive the community you need in the process. I hope you find what you’re looking for!
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