Catholic geek types =D

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ok- I couldn’t resist!
I am the proud wife to a geek husband! I would only say I am like semi-geek. I majored in art studio and art history but always was employed doing computer stuff- managing student help desk at college and doing general IT stuff around campus. I worked at IBM and then UUNET and now I stay at home.
My husband does software and web stuff (not design!). He worked for an ad type agency doing web programming for awhile and now he just works on govt stuff thats totally top secret. how kewl is that?
we met online at a ‘talker’ called mumu land (klf anyone?).
when we were dating I installed a new hard drive in his computer while he was in class and I think that is when he new it was truelove! LOL
I need to get him to post here so he can meet some of you other tres kewl ppl!

pax tibi
ok- I couldn’t resist!
I am the proud wife to a geek husband! I would only say I am like semi-geek. I majored in art studio and art history but always was employed doing computer stuff- managing student help desk at college and doing general IT stuff around campus. I worked at IBM and then UUNET and now I stay at home.
My husband does software and web stuff (not design!). He worked for an ad type agency doing web programming for awhile and now he just works on govt stuff thats totally top secret. how kewl is that?
we met online at a ‘talker’ called mumu land (klf anyone?).
when we were dating I installed a new hard drive in his computer while he was in class and I think that is when he new it was truelove! LOL
I need to get him to post here so he can meet some of you other tres kewl ppl!

pax tibi
Umm that’s pretty “kewl”. 🙂 I think you’re spending too much time in chatrooms. 😃

I’m pretty nerdy too, as you’ll find out in the email I sent. 🤓

🤓 Nerd power, nerd power! 🤓
I most definitely fall under the Catholic nerd/geek category. I make my living as a webmaster, am majoring in computer science, and spend my free time learning about the Church. The only magazine subscriptions I have are Popular Science and This Rock. And wherever that thread went about “You might be a Catholic Nerd if…”, yeah, I pretty much fit every one of those.

I need to get him to post here so he can meet some of you other tres kewl ppl! Kira
I am very Geek… LOL… I have a degree in BIS, so many technical certifications that I would probably use most letters in the alphabet with their acronyms… and I am a network Administrator at a very, very large online service provider. LOL

My wife and I also met on a message board, sent e-mails to each other for months, finally moved to IM’ing then talking on the phone, finally meeting, to end with her moving from TN to Utah. On my first trip to TN, I took her a laptop so she could chat with me from bed when she was tired…LOL… see… how much more geeky can you get… LOL

Besides computers and my family, I like to read theology and photography, and of course travel… Fun thread!! LOL

I guess this is the right thread to ask an IM question.

In the Profile section on the CA forums there is room for both ICQ and AIM handles. I thought the two networks had merged?

You will notice my increasing number of IM handles. Gotta love this little trillian program that can handle all these chat systems.
ok- so what are you geeky ppl doing as geeky hobbies??

My husband had built his own PC that basically is a “tivo”.
we have a bigscreen tv that is hooked up to our home network.
We have some lights in the house that are controlled by the PC-- the lights in our living room automatically turn off when you start a DVD. ahh and ewtn is a 'programmed radio station on our ‘tivo program’.

My little project is low tech but I have my computer rigged to our stereo system so I can record things from my PC (yes on to lame cassette tapes at times)-- or so I can digitalize lame cassette tapes and reocords ( I was working on putting rare vinyl kids stuff to digital)-- and so I can listen to catholic answers via the speakers in the kitchen.
I have been known to run tapes of certain catholic radio programs off for the theological needy.

ok- so what are you geeky ppl doing as geeky hobbies??

My husband had built his own PC that basically is a “tivo”.
we have a bigscreen tv that is hooked up to our home network.
We have some lights in the house that are controlled by the PC-- the lights in our living room automatically turn off when you start a DVD. ahh and ewtn is a 'programmed radio station on our ‘tivo program’.

My little project is low tech but I have my computer rigged to our stereo system so I can record things from my PC (yes on to lame cassette tapes at times)-- or so I can digitalize lame cassette tapes and reocords ( I was working on putting rare vinyl kids stuff to digital)-- and so I can listen to catholic answers via the speakers in the kitchen.
I have been known to run tapes of certain catholic radio programs off for the theological needy.

He he…I once had several lights in my room rigged to my computer too. But mine were voice-activated!! I’ve built so many computers it’s not even funny, and I’m an ebay addict.

I’m such a nerd…:nope:
I’m a geek and my wife is too. I’m a computer enginner for a software company and my wife is a physics teacher.

I’ve got a PocketPC Phone with 3 versions of the Bible, the collected works of the AnteNicean Fathers, the CCC , Summa II, and the Code of Canon Law.

I’ve also got a watch that has more memory and processing power than my old 386 😉
I am pretty much a semi-geek.
Due to limited eyesight and could n’t get into sports, I tended to be more intellectual.
Just now at 43, I am taking classes in Microsoft programs such as Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, etc. But I know there is MORE stuff I could get into.
Is there a way I can record off of Internet broadcasts directly on my hard drive?

A few people mentioned cellphones and laptops. WIth my eyesight I can’t read the tiny buttons on the cell phones or see clearly the monochrome screens on the laptops, so I am limited on such things.

Just want to chime in on this thread with my reflections.

go with God!
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