Catholic Graduate Theology Programs Insight

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I know this topic has been done before, but the threads I found were quite old. I’m looking to begin a Masters degree-level program in Fall 2021 (lay person, not joining priesthood) and would love to get the insights of those here in the know regarding the current available programs.

I’m specifically looking for in-person (not Online) programs, and am willing to move pretty much anywhere for the best one, though would prefer U.S.-based programs. I do not want a program overly focused on Social Justice issues, but can handle a little of this.

The “best” programs for me would have a high degree of intellectual/academic rigor, are more theologically/philosophically rather than “practical application” focused (i.e. so traditional M.T.S. style programs rather than those focused on Religious Education training) and have a place for a more orthodox view of Church teachings. I do not as of yet have a specific post-graduation goal; serving the Church in some capacity after completing the degree, going on to Ph.D.-level work for research and/or teaching, or some other avenue are all possible.

I am intrigued by Ecclesiastical degrees as well, and would love any insight on the advantages/disadvantages of these options. I have heard others say that such degrees may lead to a broader knowledge base, which I find in some respects more appealing than hyper-specialization. But does one option (regular vs Ecclesiastical degree) provide other benefits in the eyes of the Church, for post-graduation utilization or other areas…not sure, and would love any (name removed by moderator)ut.

I would be especially interested in any feedback on the following schools: Santa Clara University, U of San Diego - FST, Boston College, Catholic University, Dominican House of Studies (DC), Loyola-MD, Loyola-Chicago, Loyola-New Orleans, Notre Dame Seminary (New Orleans), Ave Maria U, John Carroll University, U of Saint Louis, Villanova, Mount Saint Mary’s, Providence College, KU-Leuvan (Belgium) and the International Theology Institute (Austria).

Thanks in advance for the assistance!
I too am looking at grad programs right now, and one thing I learned is that it’s important to know if you will be going on to your PhD or not because this may determine the masters program you would choose. I spoke to Franciscan in Steubenville recently, and they said their M.T.S. program prepares for PhD, and MA Theology is for the rest of us who will stop there. Other universities have it reversed, so it depends on the school.

You will also want to consider if you want to do a thesis. Some programs require it, others have it as an option.

Also, different programs have different admissions requirements. Some require quite a few (18) undergraduate credits in theology, and if you don’t have that, it would take much longer to get your degree. Some programs are much longer than others, too.

As far as which is best, sadly some of the universities that used to be considered the best have become questionable when it comes to their faithfulness to the magisterium. I read on some school websites a proud advertisement of their “inclusivity.” Of course when you read between the lines, inclusive is used as a synonym for liberal. I feel like there is now a difference between the best academically and the best as in faithful. If you are looking for the latter, google the Newman Guide to Colleges. They focus more on undergrad in their guide, but it’s a good place to start. Also google 2019 colleges with mandatum by National Catholic Register.
Thanks Lisa, good advice regarding the program and future goals. I want to leave open the possibility for Ph.D. (or S.T.L./S.T.D. if I go Ecclesiastical degree track) so I’ll probable keep an eye out for the programs that allow that.

Aside from Franciscan U in Steubenville, are there other schools you are looking at? I am having some difficulty figuring out the academic quality of the various schools out there. I’m fairly certain Notre Dame is a good program (and hard to get into) but many of the others it is hard to gauge. Any tricks you’ve figured out for this?
For me the faithfulness of the program to the magisterium is more important than academic rigor, so I evaluate based on that. And many of the “best” academic programs are not exactly known for their orthodoxy. Notre dame theology program admission is non-competitive (says so on their website), so I don’t know if it’s hard to get in there. I would research them thoroughly first because they are not in the Newman Guide or the list of schools that require a mandatum, so surely there is a reason for that.

I’m looking at Ave Maria and University of Dallas. I would prefer to do it online, which eliminates many schools that don’t have an online program. If I move, it has to be somewhere I can tolerate for 3 years, and it seems like all the schools are up north where the climate is terrible. Plus it has to be affordable which many of the schools are not for me. I would move to Ave Maria area in Florida but their on campus tuition is higher than online. So I have other criteria that you may not share that drives my choice of program.

Catholic University of America has a good rep I believe, though very expensive.

Another thing I learned is that not all classes are offered every term. Most have it designed that students take 2 classes per semester and finish in 2 years. I will need to go slower. My work is so busy in Oct/Nov that I can’t realistically take classes during that time. So I have to factor that into my decision and pick a program that has all the required classes available during the rest of the year. If you plan to go part time, that’s something to watch out for also.

If I had no other criteria and was open to any school, I would choose Steubenville. I’ve heard so many great things about them (someone said, “believe the hype”), and they have some great faculty. I might still choose them in the end because their online program sounds better than average.
I would only recommend the following Catholic colleges for a Masters in Theology (from a post I did back in 2018).

NOTE : when I wrote this, Ave Maria University didn’t have an Online Master’s program. They do now. It’s possible some others might be slightly out of date regarding online programs. But generally, this list is still good.

God Bless
Catholic theology grad schools (in USA)? Catholic Living
NOTE: I would only recommend Notre Dame and Boston College for the doctorate degree. I personally don’t think they are worth the price for the Master’s level. Marquette University and University of Dayton are in the same boat. I would highly recommend the following * offer’s online Master’s First and foremost: I would recommend: The Catholic University of America* (Theology degree not offered online, but Masters of Catechesis is) Has Masters, Ph.D. STL, STD degrees Catholic Univers…
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I would be especially interested in any feedback on the following schools: Santa Clara University, U of San Diego - FST, Boston College, Catholic University, Dominican House of Studies (DC), Loyola-MD, Loyola-Chicago, Loyola-New Orleans, Notre Dame Seminary (New Orleans), Ave Maria U, John Carroll University, U of Saint Louis, Villanova, Mount Saint Mary’s, Providence College, KU-Leuvan (Belgium) and the International Theology Institute (Austria).
Regarding the ones you specifically mentioned:
  • Santa Clara University – Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • U of San Diego - FST – Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • Boston College – Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is somewhat questionable
  • Catholic University – HIGHLY RECOMMEND
  • Dominican House of Studies (DC) – OK
  • Loyola-MD – Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • Loyola-Chicago – Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • Loyola-New Orleans – Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • Notre Dame Seminary (New Orleans) – Would not recommend. Their best professor left for the Augustine Institute.
  • Ave Maria U – Recommend
  • John Carroll University - Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • U of Saint Louis - Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • Villanova - Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • Mount Saint Mary’s - Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is starting to become questionable
  • Providence College - Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is starting to become questionable
  • KU-Leuvan (Belgium) - Would not recommend, faithfulness to the magisterium is very questionable
  • International Theology Institute (Austria) - Historically good. But school is currently under pressure from modernists
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I know this topic has been done before, but the threads I found were quite old. I’m looking to begin a Masters degree-level program in Fall 2021 (lay person, not joining priesthood) and would love to get the insights of those here in the know regarding the current available programs.

I’m specifically looking for in-person (not Online) programs, and am willing to move pretty much anywhere for the best one, though would prefer U.S.-based programs. I do not want a program overly focused on Social Justice issues, but can handle a little of this.

The “best” programs for me would have a high degree of intellectual/academic rigor, are more theologically/philosophically rather than “practical application” focused (i.e. so traditional M.T.S. style programs rather than those focused on Religious Education training) and have a place for a more orthodox view of Church teachings. I do not as of yet have a specific post-graduation goal; serving the Church in some capacity after completing the degree, going on to Ph.D.-level work for research and/or teaching, or some other avenue are all possible.

I am intrigued by Ecclesiastical degrees as well, and would love any insight on the advantages/disadvantages of these options. I have heard others say that such degrees may lead to a broader knowledge base, which I find in some respects more appealing than hyper-specialization. But does one option (regular vs Ecclesiastical degree) provide other benefits in the eyes of the Church, for post-graduation utilization or other areas…not sure, and would love any (name removed by moderator)ut.

I would be especially interested in any feedback on the following schools: Santa Clara University, U of San Diego - FST, Boston College, Catholic University, Dominican House of Studies (DC), Loyola-MD, Loyola-Chicago, Loyola-New Orleans, Notre Dame Seminary (New Orleans), Ave Maria U, John Carroll University, U of Saint Louis, Villanova, Mount Saint Mary’s, Providence College, KU-Leuvan (Belgium) and the International Theology Institute (Austria).

Thanks in advance for the assistance!
May I add one choice to your list. Franciscan Univ Steubenville, Oh. Since you are going for a graduate degree, Dr Scott Hahn, as I understand, from my friends daughter, who recently graduated from there, is only involved in those candidates in graduate studies. I’m sure you know the name.
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It is sad to read that so many promising-looking Theology graduate programs in (ostensibly) Catholic universities would have “very questionable” faithfulness to the teachings of the Faith. Especially since some (Santa Clara, KU-Leuvan, etc.) grant Ecclesiastical degrees via the allowance of the Pontificate.

I definitely have heard of Dr. Hahn, and of Franciscan. However I have not heard great things about the greater Steubenville area. Studying Theology is a dream of mind but I want to be conscientious about opportunities and quality of life for my family as well. If others have better things to say about the Steubenville area I’m all ears.

At the risk of opening a can of worms, I do wonder about the academic strength of the Theology schools I listed (and others) aside from their faithfulness to the teachings of the Faith. Obviously if this gets too far out of bounds it creates irreconcilable problems. But I am willing to work to separate the wheat from the chafe in a strong academic school that perhaps isn’t as strictly adhering to the church’s teachings as I’d like. So if there are any additional thoughts on the relative academic strength of Theology graduate programs aside from faithfulness to the magisterium I’d appreciate that (name removed by moderator)ut too.

(All that said…Catholic U was already high on my list…still good to fully research all options)

Thanks again all!
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@Phil19034: just re-read your post from 2018…I had seen it before but for some reason thought it was much older. What do the small numbers next to each school mean? Also, by recommending them are you speaking to both their academic quality as well as their adherence to Church teachings?
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@Phil19034: just re-read your post from 2018…I had seen it before but for some reason thought it was much older. What do the small numbers next to each school mean? Also, by recommending them are you speaking to both their academic quality as well as their adherence to Church teachings?
I didn’t put them there. That is a count of the number of times someone has clicked on the link from that post.
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