I was thinking recently of some of my family members and of some people that I have heard speak in a twelve step group to which I attend. My thoughts went along these lines. I hear alot of people complaining about being raised in a strict Catholic environment where they were made to feel guilty about themselves and their behavior. Complaining about being told to go to confession, and to avoid the occasion for sin. Many of these people have fallen away and blame the Church for pushing them away and for giving them a standard to which no one could live up to lest they be a saint and that they knew no such people alive in thier world. I realized that the moral code that the Church and Christ calls us to live by is unattainable, outside an abundance of Grace, which is only recieved by living a sacramental life, ie daily mass, regular confession, heavy prayer, daily rosary’s, and avoiding mortal sin and all sin, and being brutally honest with oneself, God, and ones confessor. Outside of this commitment to a sacramental life, the moral code is too high a hurdle and therefore unattainable. This leaves the average Catholic, who by their own will have decided not to live a sacramental life, with a sense of failure and guilt which they run from and later blame, for all of their problems and use to leave the Church, claiming a loving God would not create such an unattainable lifestyle. What they do not realize is that he not only desires such a commitment because he knows that in this way of living we will find true happiness in him, but that he has given us the Church and the sacraments which make such a life attainable, we need only conform our will with his and deny ourselves of the pleasure of this world for the higher pleasures of heaven. Easier said than done, but if we they(I) would only follow the way which has been spelled out for us so simply, and not attach our own desires and wordly wants to such a simple saving gospel. I feel sorry for them and at the same time I have no pity for them because it is their self pity and total selfishness that has caused them to fall away, many of which may never come home. May God send an abundance of grace down upon the Catholic children of adult Catholics, and fill them with His Spirit leading them to a sacramental life, through Christ our Lord, Amen