My oldest DS went to Kindergarten at our parish school and we’ve homeschooled ever since – he’s in 6th grade now. We homeschool 4 of our 5 kids, the youngest being just 2.
If we start school at 8:00 (which we do most days) the youngest are finished by 10:00, and the oldest by 1:00 or 2:00.
My husband’s work schedule is such that he often has week days off and works weekends, so hs-ing frees us up to do family activities during the week. The other pro on this is that we avoid crowds by visiting amusement parks, etc. on weekdays when other kids are in school.
My children seem to get along with each other better than other families I see. (To be fair, I am also comparing with neighborhood children who have no religious upbringing, so it could be the Catholicism just as much as the hs-ing.)
I know exactly what my children are learning in every subject, and how far along they are. I know their capabilities much better than I would if they were at school all day. I can also converse with them about what they are learning. (For example: “Look kids there’s an example of Federal Architecture that we learned about in Art!”)
No homework!
My children are less “worldly” than other kids, including other Catholic kids, because they are exposed to far less “society”. (For example, they are the last ones to know who the current pop stars are, and the latest fads, etc.)
Depending on where you live, there are many other hs-ing families to do things with, and their kids seem to be just as nice as ours.
My children are learning about being part of a family, whereas many other children are learning how to be separate from their families, especially siblings. (They have their own “class” at school, their own friends that are their specific age, not many common friends or experiences, etc.)
One on one, (or even one on 7 or 8) teaching is more effective than one on 20 or 30 or more.
Discipline problems (and there are plenty!) are caught right away and dealt with by parents who truly love the child.
I get to sleep with my children’s principal!
Feeling inadequate or insecure about the job.
Constantly defending your choice to others – family members are the worst.
Less personal time for myself.
Harder to get housework done completely, but kids can pitch in a lot more than tradtional schooled kids, so it’s a pro and a con.
If you have to work outside the home, finding time to fit in school, or finding care for the kids.
Having a spouse that’s not fully supportive can make hs-ing very difficult or even impossible.
I’m not saying that homeschooling is for everyone, some people try it and it’s just not a good fit for different reasons. It has definitely worked for us. Good luck with your decision