This thread is intended to assist Catholics-in-Training and those considering the status of CIT. If you haven’t grown up in the Catholic Church, sometimes the jargon is a little tough to follow. For example, what do Catholics mean when they say
They’re planning to do something? They’re planning to do something sacramental? A prayer is specific to an intended outcome?
CITs are welcome to chime in with their own favorite jargon conundrums. And thanks in advance to those who can enlighten us!
TeresTala, CIT
This thread is intended to assist Catholics-in-Training and those considering the status of CIT. If you haven’t grown up in the Catholic Church, sometimes the jargon is a little tough to follow. For example, what do Catholics mean when they say
They’re planning to do something? They’re planning to do something sacramental? A prayer is specific to an intended outcome?
CITs are welcome to chime in with their own favorite jargon conundrums. And thanks in advance to those who can enlighten us!
TeresTala, CIT