mercygate brought up something on another thread that I thought deserved its own discussion: music.
Fortunately, the parish that I’m attending seems to have a wonderful music director and the music is always quite good. But what really blows my mind as a former Methodist (which denomination’s hymn book instructs you to ‘sing lustily’ - seriously…) is the number of Catholics who don’t sing.
A very nice theology prof explained to me that the Catholics have only had about Vatican II + x years of experience doing a lot of singing. So sad!
What do other Catholics In Training (and cradle-to-grave) Catholics think about this?
Fortunately, the parish that I’m attending seems to have a wonderful music director and the music is always quite good. But what really blows my mind as a former Methodist (which denomination’s hymn book instructs you to ‘sing lustily’ - seriously…) is the number of Catholics who don’t sing.
A very nice theology prof explained to me that the Catholics have only had about Vatican II + x years of experience doing a lot of singing. So sad!
What do other Catholics In Training (and cradle-to-grave) Catholics think about this?