I am beginning to invest to prepare for my retirement. Is it immoral to invest in an index fund knowing that a few companies included in the index could be running business contrary to Catholic morals? How significant really is my material cooperation with these companies?
Say, a pharmaceutical company is among the S&P 500 and contraceptives is only a small portion of the products the company produces. It seems that my investment amounts to something already miniscule.
Thinking about it, how strict should I be treading the economic world to avoid material cooperation? I might actually be buying something from a pharmaceutical company that also produces abortifacients without realizing it. I mean, which drug company do not produce them? Probably none.
I know there are funds that track S&P 500 and also filters the companies they include based on USCCB guidelines. However, their expense ratios are kinda high. Also, I want to diversify to include non-US markets and I have yet to find an international ETF that is Catholic guided.
Say, a pharmaceutical company is among the S&P 500 and contraceptives is only a small portion of the products the company produces. It seems that my investment amounts to something already miniscule.
Thinking about it, how strict should I be treading the economic world to avoid material cooperation? I might actually be buying something from a pharmaceutical company that also produces abortifacients without realizing it. I mean, which drug company do not produce them? Probably none.
I know there are funds that track S&P 500 and also filters the companies they include based on USCCB guidelines. However, their expense ratios are kinda high. Also, I want to diversify to include non-US markets and I have yet to find an international ETF that is Catholic guided.