Catholic Lava Lava Island VBS vs Protestant Version

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Can anyone tell me the differences between the Catholic version of “Group’s” VBS compared to the Protestant version? I’ve heard that it’s basically the same except for some added CCC items.

This is the first year for VBS at my church and we’re using the Protestant version. (We didn’t know there was a Catholic version.) It is definitely “faith alone” and “once saved, always saved”. Maybe the kids wouldn’t pick up on it but, as a leader, I made known my objections. Turns out I wasn’t the only one wanting to edit the program.

Anyone know of any good Catholic VBS?
St. Joe,

The last two summers I helped with Group’s VBS’ at both my wife’s Presbyterian congregation in June and my own parish in July. Therefore I saw both Bug Safari and SCUBA presented according to the Protestant and Catholic(with imprimatur) versions. This year we moved and our new parish had it in June and my son did not want to do it twice and since he is a CCD student and knew no one else we will wait until next year to try both again. This year we did Lava Lava island and I think your concerns can be rectified by the leaders at the parish by what they choose to say and how they present it.

How did you not know there was a Catholic version. It uses approved Scriptures and the CC additions which obviously make it very different from the other version.
My kids are in VBS Lava Lava Island this summer at a Protestant Church and I just say Praise the Lord they can be there at all, and learn about Jesus, how to follow him, how to do good works, etc. What a blessing!!! Whether it be Catholic or otherwise! I’m thankful for the program!

Oh I wasn’t aware there were any differences or that there even existed a “Catholic version” anyway.!!! I don’t think just because we are Catholics we should “shun” Protestant everything! WWJD?

Praise the Lord! Our children are learning to love him as their Savior! That’s what it’s all about anyway!!! Isn’t it???
Oh I wasn’t aware there were any differences or that there even existed a “Catholic version” anyway.!!! I don’t think just because we are Catholics we should “shun” Protestant everything! WWJD?
I do think we should shun anything and everything that isn’t Catholic when educating our children. Precious few adults know their faith and if we start teaching our children protestant errors our children are likely to never know their faith either.

As far as WWJD, He would certainly shun all error.
Our parish just completed our VBS week using “Lava Lava Island” (the Catholic version, which does have an imprimatur), and it was very easy to implement, the children were very enthusiastic, and the program did not present any doctrinal problems. We did not find anything like “once saved, always saved” presented in this version. The Catholic additions seem to be insights from the CCC, as well as opportunities to learn the Act of Faith and the Act of Hope. And those of us who taught were tremendously enriched by the program, too.
We’re going through VBS Lava Lava Island this week. Although we are using the Catholic version, our director group noticed there was nothing specifically that addressed our Catholic faith.

They have included in our rotation a time where the children have a quiet meditation room and learn something specific to our faith, such as the rosary, the eucharist, saints, you get the idea. Today we heard about the rosary, and each child got a rosary and small sheet that explained how to pray the rosary for children.

Even though it is a pre-written course, it is able to be modified to meet the needs of your parish.
Apparently the life of Christ isn’t “Catholic” enough? This year Group’s VBS focused on Jesus from birth, to preaching, to dying and rising to finally ascending. Each day the Bible story was on Jesus. Believe it or not but this course was Catholic enough without the rosary. There is nothing wrong with your additions to the week but please don’t overstate your case when the course has an imprimatur.
I posted the original message and thank you all for your responses.

One message of the “Protestant” verson that disturbs me is on day 4 “Jesus Saves Us”. The games leader tells the kids “…it’s impossible for us to be perfect. That’s why God sent Jesus to die on the cross and take the punishment for our sins!” (If that’s true,why do we have confession and purgatory?).

Another, the song “John 3:16” “So put your faith in Jesus Christ, and your soul will never die”. (Once saved, always saved?).

I realize that I’m probably over reacting but with so many young people leaving the Church, I wonder just where did they got the idea that “all Christian churches are the same” or that we can pick and choose what we want to believe and still call ourselves “Catholic”.
I don’t know about Lava Lava Island… but…

My parish just finished the most wonderful Catholic VBS program. It’s called “Heroes’ Camp.” Each day is dedicated to a particular Biblical hero or saint, and a virtue they had that can teach us how to follow God better. For example, this year the heroes were: Abraham (trust), Zacchaeus (determination), Moses (courage), Mary (obedience), and the Incarnation (when the greatest hero of them all came to earth). All of the Bible stories for the week focused on responding to God’s call.

I used to be Protestant, and I taught Protestant sunday school and VBS for years… Let me tell you, this program is Catholic. It is not just generically Christian (as Lava Lava Island and others are); it is Catholic. There are five years of curriculum, and the later years include saints like St. Augustine, St. Teresa of Avila, Mother Teresa, plus Jesus in the Eucharist.

The kids absolutely loved it… Especially the part when they got to build snacks to illustrate the Bible stories (a desert tent, a tree, a red sea, a Fruit Loops rosary, a birthday cupcake for Jesus).

I just cannot say enough good things about this program. It was designed by a lady named Karla Bellinger, from Wadsworth, Ohio.

It is wonderful. Go Heroes’ Camp.
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