Catholic Magazines

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I hope this is the right forum. Since I am seeking this information as an aid to defending and teaching the Faith, Apologetics was the closest fit. 🙂

On several threads in different forums (fora?), there have been links to a variety of Catholic publications. Some seem to be good, others Catholic in name only. I have often wanted a good list of what publications to spend my money on and to take as credible representations of Catholic issues. I thought others might too.

Here is my list so far:

Good, orthodox publications:

Lay Witness
This Rock
National Catholic Register

Mostly heterodox or Catholic Lite:

St. Anthony’s Messenger
National Catholic Reporter
Many diocisan newspapers

Mostly ok but a mixed bag (read with caution)

Catholic Digest

Can anyone add to this list? Thank you.
For Teens:
Hearts Aflame–written by the Blue Army
(not to be confused with the youth activity by the same name)

For Kids:
My Friend—written by Daughters of St. Paul
Other Orthodox Magzines:

Faith and Family
Catholic News and World Report
The Catholic Answer
I recommend Envoy and First Things. I agree Catholic Digest is iffy.
One to stay away from: U.S. Catholic

Endorses women priests, use of birth control, acceptance of the homosexual life style, etc…

Their running theme is that “the Church needs to get with the times.”
I would add Crisis, The Catholic Answer, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, and Catholic World Report.

First Things is EXCELLENT, though not specifically Catholic.

Our Sunday Visitor is a good publication. In our area (Mpls./St. Paul) the diocesan paper is just awful but there is a small orthodox newspaper called “The Catholic Servant” that I recommend.
The Remnant
Catholic Family news
Latin Mass Magazine

Catholic news websites:
Seattle Catholic
Archangel Report
do not underestimate the value of heterodox publications. US Catholic was instrumental in my “conversion” from cafeteria Catholic to devout Catholic wannabee (see the devout Catholic thread).
They published and article comparing Fr. Raymond Brown and John Dominic Crossan on the historicity of John’s gospel which was a real eye-opener. Then they had an extremely offensive fictional piece about two old Polish ladies in babushkas in the back of church, putting down all the old devotions. The last straw was a poll on “How to tell if you are conservative Catholic” which made it very clear conservatives are the radical fringe - those who love and obey the pope, those who are guided by magesterial teaching, those who pray the rosary, those who believe in the Real Presence and adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament–need I go on? Up until that point I had always considered myself middle-of-the-road, distinctly leftist in social justice issues. I distrusted conservatives, but then realized I are one, as Pogo would say.
I enjoy many articles in “St. Anthony Press,” but lately I have noticed some seem less than orthodox. The thing is, they are not blatantly heterodox, so I’m left wondering if I’m imagining or misunderstanding. I’ve never personally encountered heterodox Franscisans. Do I lead a sheltered life? Can someone clarify matters for me concerning this magazine?

As for a beautiful magazine, remember “Magnificat.” I find it hard, actually, to think of it as a magazine at all.

Thank you for the thread!

God bless.

That’s the same thing I felt about St. Anthony’s Messenger. Most of the articles are fine. They have an editorial policy that bothers me. They ran full page adds for Voice of the Faithful. Some readers complained and they published their letters in the Letters to the Editor but then proceeded to bash the letter writers. The defend liturgical abuses. There is also this nun who writes reviews for movies and TV that is always gushing praise for very questionable (sex, violence, teen promiscuity). I subscribed because some of the money goes to the seminary but I politely did not renew.
For teens who are looking for an alternative to Seventeen magazine, I heartily recommend Guideposts for Teens.

For families who need how to share with their children, Catholic Parent.

And for engaged and marrieds, this is a Christian Magazine but has great information…
Marriage Partnership
I asked at my local Catholic bookstore where I could get some Catholic magazines. The manager said he’d like to stock them, but the owners aren’t sure about it, since they don’t know how well they’d sell. Then there’s the question on which type to stock–conservative, liberal, etc. Very frustrating.
I would recommend Culture Wars. Michael Jones is the editor, very insigtful. Don’t forget St. Austin’s Review. Then there’s Canticle and Adoremus. New Oxford Review is good too. What is it about the diocesan papers? It seems that they are quite questionable. To foster my faith I depend heavily on orthodox magazines and newspapers and television networks like EWTN. These mediums keep me abreast of the isssues and nurture my faith
I like
This Rock
My Sunday Visitor
Inside the Vatican
Catholic World Report
First Things
Homiletic & Pastoral Review
Human Life Review
The Catholic Answer

Liguorian is OK, but I liked it better in the old small (readers’ digest size) format. Same with The Catholic Answer.
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