I was raised a strict catholic and raised my children as strict catholics . I divorced my husband of 23 yrs after many unhappy years and fear that he was going to kill me. I retired from nursing a few yrs ago and bought a home and have a nice retirement. I have been dating a man that I have known for years and we would like to marry in the church . We are both in out late 60’s and have friends that have experienced financial losses because of spouses medical bills. Our children are grown and we both have wills leaving our children our posessions and fear a civil marrriage would cause problems. I dont think the state should be involved with a marriage in a church with God’s blessings . There are many Catholic seniors that are cohabitating because of the reasons that I have mentioned . I know all of the laws of the church and I go to mass but dont receive communion because we live together most the time . I watch young catholics go to communion that I know should not be , one is a family member that has been cohabitating for years she ask me why I dont go to communion and I tell her and she says I dont think that is wrong if you love each other. I agree with her but the church says it is a sin.I dont understand all of this and how some people think they dont have to follow the church laws and make their own rules that is not the way I was taught. I guess I drifted away from my topic but just wish somehow catholics could be married without a marriage license.