So I’m having a bit of a problem. I can’t seem to find Catholic men worthy of respect. I’m single, 23, and pretty settled/confident in who I am as a person. I have found several nominally Catholic men who are quite manly and respectable, and probably better people than most “good Catholics.” I refuse to date someone who can’t share my faith because I want my sons to have a good role model for a dad. The problem is that the Catholics I find are either not good people, or completely unable to command any respect. I’ll admit I’m a fairly tough woman and I can be take-charge, but that’s only because I’ve been through hell and learned to do so. Am I being too picky? Should I allow myself to fall in love with someone who might never share my faith and just accept it? It feels like I’m constantly making the choice between good man and Catholic man, and ne’er the twain shall meet. I should also mention that I have trouble respecting in a relationship way men who can’t take a hit physically or mentally/emotionally. I want someone who can fight beside me instead of cowering behind, you know?
*note: I tried catholicmatch and have an account, but I can’t get a good read on people through the internet. I can’t fall for someone I don’t feel like I know.
*note: I tried catholicmatch and have an account, but I can’t get a good read on people through the internet. I can’t fall for someone I don’t feel like I know.