Catholic Mission trip organizations - summary of other threads- Any better input?

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Out here in the wilds of the Pacific NW, we’re a mission ourselves and really could use a LOT of help, but that’s another series of threads.

Our church has been glomming on to the local Baptist mission trips and other “Christian” organizations. It finally occurred to me to ask why. I was informed it was because there are no Catholic Mission trips.

In this person’s defense, our Archdiocese website has been completely embarrassing up until recently. It’s still lacking in many regards, though.

Long story short, I did my own research for the person in charge of these things and discovered many threads here on CA and sites on google.

My hope is that anyone could add more or use this thread as an easier reference or more importantly add their own comments.

Thanks in advance,

Following are some of the organizations I was able to find that do Catholic Mission trips.

I started with this thread on

These were recommended in the thread:

Mission Youth
Wow. They’re doing mission trips to Haiti!

Franciscan and Friends site
Serving the poor of the Caribbean

Catholic Mission Trips

Regnum Christi - wish they were closer for the awesome workshops!

Catholic Volunteer Network
This connects Catholic Volunteer opportunities with willing volunteers … hmm… maybe we could see if someone wants to be a youth minister? 🙂

These others I found through googling “Catholic Mission trips”

Catholic Family Mission trips

The St. Vincent Palotti Canter provides volunteer opportunities usually for 1-2 years in the US and abroad.

These guys look great … it’s not clear how to form groups to go.
Catholic World Mission

Maybe the best yet-
Family Missions Company is an apostolate of Catholic laity, called to foreign missionary evangelism. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we proclaim Jesus Christ and His Gospel to the poor.

Catholic Heart Workcamp

Catholic Volunteering

Oops. Just found a TON more stuff:

Recommendations from the above threads:

“Saint Patrick’s Evangelisation School” is a nine-month programme in London, England, beginning around the start of October
The Missionaries of the Poor (M.O.P.) is an international monastic order of Brothers dedicated to “Joyful Service with Christ on the Cross” to serve the poorest of the poor.

OMGosh! if only I had know about these when I was searching as a youth!!!

Project Solidarity - Builds Homes for people in Honduras - (not obvious how to go & help).

Catholic Medical Mission Board - does need non-medical help

Society of African missions SMA Fathers

St. Patrick’s Missionary Society
-Do you have a call to be a missionary?

I couldn’t actually find mission trips involving this organization but one of the threads recommended it…

Ave Maria Radio seems to only do “Pilgrimages” maybe they’ve done mission trips in the past

Big WOW - these guys are everywhere!
Renewal Ministries

For our parishioners now in college?
FOCUS - Fellowship of Catholic University Students

And you probably know about this one: Christian Foundation for Youth and the Aging
-not Catholic only - but apparently highly recommended by some Catholics

A recommendation for “Family Missions Company” from a Catholic apologist on

Salesian Youth Ministry - we just watched a great movie on St. John Bosco who founded the Salesians

Last but not least
Apparently some people had problems with them… IDK?

There’s the best I could come up with. I’m sure I missed a few.🤷

And once we have a mission trip all planned we can refer to this thread on “Sending forth” Song Ideas for Catholic mission trip”
I also have another mission opportunity, though there isn’t a website with information on the mission. It’s kind of word-of-mouth, and I’m trying to get this mission to have a presence on the internet! The Community of St. John ( has 3 houses in Mexico, which serve various needs in the community. Right now, they urgently need missionaries to come! If you want more information, please see my thread (titled URGENT NEED for Catholic Missionaries) or send me a private message. God Bless.
In addition to Catholic Heart youth work camps, and CFCA mission trips we also have participated as individuals and as a parish in Glenmary sponsored mission trips
at that time called Connective Ministries, then Taste and See
look under volunteer opportunties

Catholic Extension is active in poorer dioceses in most states and sponsors some of the projects in CVN and other listings above
and we have volunteered for several projects locally
Thank you for all these links…I have been interested in helping out missions any way I can, but didn’t know where to start looking for a good one…thanks again!
I’ve been on 3 mission trips with FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. This organization is phenomenal! God used it to change my life! I encourage college students to look into this!

Also, Christ in the City ( doesn’t have mission trips per say, but they have service opportunities in Denver. I’m serving them for 2 weeks this summer!
Hey JMJrock,

My wife and I have been seeing your half dozen posts on this forum re: the Community of StJohn’s need for help. We’ve visited their site(s) and find their spirituality beautiful. We’ve been discerning missionary work for our whole family (we have six kids ranging from 1.5yr - 13yr olds), and are very interested in learning more about the community’s work in this area. Do you know if they do/can accept entire families, and what’s involved in preparing for such apostolic work?

Like you said their web sites don’t speak about missionary work for the lay family but who can give us more info? How can I send you a PM - can you give me a contact?

May God bless your work and love for Him,
Peter & Tam Truong
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